How to vote this year

I honestly cannot vote for either of the major parties, it is going to be a tough one for me.


How do others feel?

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How to vote this year

I dont mind " the independents", given they remain that way and dont show bias towards either of the major parties, sadly this doesnt seem to happen

Message 11 of 51
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How to vote this year

it doesnt matter how you vote as we allways end up with either Labor or Liberal Coalition.


i do believe however we need a government not hamstrung by a hung parliment where passing anything becomes impossible.


as its stands it looks like labor are on track to comfortably win the next election, wether we are happy with what they do in power is to be seen.


the voters have been pretty dissapointed by the last 10 years of both sides for a lot of reasons.


the govt of Kevin rudd started out very good, he did avert the global financial crisis, but spent the huge lot of money we had in reserve to do it. then he was found to be a one man band who would not listen to the rest of 'the team' and eventually was the first PM removed from office by his own side.


the govt of tony abbott went power crazy and started acting like one of those crazy country govts that we see in news storys, trying to bring in laws that would affect 80% of us for the benifit of 20%

and that long run  of negative poll results began. becoming the 2nd PM to be removed by his own side.


then the govt of malcolm turnbull who came into the job as a popular choice but was himself hamstrung by his own side as everything we knew he stood for suddenly evaporated and he became tony abbott light. he also used the term of so many poll losses was why tony had to go. only then to rack up many more poll losses!

he becomes the 3rd PM removed by his own team.


now we have scott morrison, slightly more popular with his own team but still disliked by the public, hes all slogans and snappy hats!

we all feel hes just there until the election and then will most likely retire after losing to bill shorten. the guy few like but may turn out to be a great PM leading a great govt.


we shall see.

Message 12 of 51
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How to vote this year

@davidc4430 wrote:


now we have scott morrison, slightly more popular with his own team but still disliked by the public, hes all slogans and snappy hats!

we all feel hes just there until the election and then will most likely retire after losing to bill shorten. the guy few like but may turn out to be a great PM leading a great govt.


we shall see.


I have always dismissed the preferred PM polls.


Opposition leaders are between a rock and a hard place on that poll.  As Opposition Leader they are in a position to talk the talk but not walk the walk in terms of governing.  I have no doubt that if Shorten wins, that within 6 months he will be leading the preferred PM poll after delivering on a few high profile policy promises/positions.


This will likely include a 180 degree shift in Australian government position on climate change.  A few other high profile shifts in policy and the normal 100 day honeymoon period will see him beating Morrison/Dutton in the preferred PM poll.


The other thing that will work in Shorten’s favour should he win is that there will be revelations by the Government about things that this current Lib/Nat Government are not letting the electorate know.  It happens every time there is a change in Government.  Revelations about budget/finance matters, decisions by previous ministers etc. will affect the preferred PM poll.


**disclaimer** I have had this same position on preferred PM polls when Labor were in office and the leader of the Libs was trailing as my position is to not post on forums in favour of any political party, I also post on issues and not personalities.

Message 13 of 51
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How to vote this year

@lyhargr_0 wrote:

I dont mind " the independents", given they remain that way and dont show bias towards either of the major parties, sadly this doesnt seem to happen

Rebekah Sharkie came to power under the Nick Xenephon banner. Xenephon was slightly to the left of politics, so Sharkie is just carrying on the position & platform she was elected under. So far she has done a great job of maintaining her credability and electoral respect. She is one of the genuine ones who haven't been corrupted or tripped up by the power yet.


With the strong local support she has achieved, she may well go on to serve as an independent for many years to come. The Liberals have tried very hard to bring the seat back into the fold, but putting Goergina Downer up as a candidate has backfired rather badly for them. Despite her obvious skills and intelligence, she cant escape the attitude of entitlement and cronyism that follows her around. Demographics in the seat have also changed with a high number of Labor and Greens supporting, retired public servants moving to the area. This accompanied by the increasing numbers of welfare recipients is compounding the Liberals discomfort.

Message 14 of 51
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How to vote this year

Spare a thought for all of us in NSW.

Not only do we have the federal election this year, we also have a state election at the end of March.

Choosing anyone to vote for in that one is almost more difficult than the federal election.

All are as bad as each other, and voting for an independent generally only means sending preferences one way or the other.

Unless, of course, that independent has the balance of power, which is a whole new ball game.

Message 15 of 51
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How to vote this year

State election is an easy one for me, that woman needs to go.

Message 16 of 51
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How to vote this year

Yes, she does.

But is the other side any better? Look at the previous leader they chose.
Message 17 of 51
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How to vote this year

I honestly don't know. It all went downhill when they put the gambling garbage on the opera house and now the pill testing.

Message 18 of 51
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How to vote this year

The government can pill test all it likes as long as I don't have to pay for it.


It should be paid for by the event patrons as they are the ones who will supposedly benefit from it.


That is supposedly the mantra these days....user pays.

Message 19 of 51
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How to vote this year

Well here in bondi we have police vans camped with banners saying sob in a dealer. We’re paying for that!
Message 20 of 51
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