on 30-05-2013 07:34 AM
Adam Goodes has copped it twice this week - once from a kid and then by an adult who should know better.
I feel so ashamed of this country at this moment. I am sick of hearing a sentence start with "I am not racist but..." before the person launches into a race based attack on indigenous people (or Asians. Or Muslims).
What I have found the most interesting about the Goodes incident is how many people made excuses that made him look like the antagonist. Almost as if making racist remarks about indigenous people is no big deal. Treating him as if his feelings, his views (and everything about him) is unimportant. And I am staggered at how many people know so little about the history of racism a history that so many generations of indigenous people have had to go through.
And now Eddie Mcquire has shown us that racist comments against indigenous people is lurking just on the tips of our tongues waiting to be blurted out without refrain.
I can't help but agree with this: One of the most savage responses to McGuire came from Magpies backman Harry O'Brien, who admonished his president, declaring he was ''extremely disappointed''. ''In my opinion race relations in this country is systematically a national disgrace,'' he said.
Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/afl/afl-news/eddie-offers-to-stand-aside-20130529-2nc63.html
I agree with that last line - it is a national disgrace.
on 01-06-2013 12:12 AM
I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?
I would like to know why some go on so much and beat it up
on 01-06-2013 01:58 AM
I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?
I don't think it's trivialised so much as there's not much we can do about it when being abused by persons of indigenous descent. Most of us just put up with it.
on 01-06-2013 08:35 AM
Racism has a long history we must all understand
Non-Indigenous Australia may not see why calling Adam Goodes an 'ape' is a racist slur, but it is important that we all understand the offence stems from a long history of racial discrimination.
Adam Goodes has had to live with racism his entire life, just like other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians and other racial minorities (now Afro-Brazilian Harry O'Brien is speaking publicly about it). They are the ones who have to deal with it, and clearly it hurts. It is the year 2013 and it is about time that we say that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people - as well as all other racial and ethnic groups - have the right not to have to cop racial vilification because someone was ignorant. But let us take that ignorance and educate - and that is absolutely what Adam Goodes and others are advocating.
Most of the media has been mature through this entire situation. They have not vilified the girl and have focused on Adam Goodes' feelings and his compassion. This is a beautiful opportunity for education for the girl, all school kids and for the wider public. I am glad my friend asked the question he did; I think more people who do not understand the inappropriateness of the girl's comment should ask 'why' and instead of dismissing the answers, just listen. Most importantly, they should listen to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people themselves.
Dr Noah Riseman is a Senior Lecturer in History at the Australian Catholic University in Melbourne, specialising in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history. View his full profile here.
Martini, I think this article kind of says what you may be saying ?
on 01-06-2013 10:16 AM
I heard that in the early hours of this morning ... some good points were made, but I did miss bits here and there when I was dozing.
on 01-06-2013 10:36 AM
and yet we teach racism in our schools everyday.
as a child what I was taught about Australian aboriginals in school could not be spoken today. fair enough the last bit of the theory of evolution has been removed in the last 30 years but the spirit of it remains.
on 01-06-2013 10:44 AM
Wow....the hair splitting is Olympic level ....we can't have a National conversation on Indigenous recognition if all that ever happens is petty unrelated argument...what's the refugee debate got to do with Australia's INDIGENOUS people?
The only similarity is that they're living in the same shocking conditions, (but in their own land) & both groups are being used as political and social footballs, while the nation gets over its fear and loathing.
Without offending anyone (other than those who look for offense to take)....can you imagine just how patronising it feels for Indigenous Australians (living in 3rd world conditions) that everyone is willing to split irrelevant hairs over words, on behalf of a culture they're otherwise not listening to?
Forget about the likes of Adam Goodes, I'm talking TRADITIONAL people who don't enjoy the same privileges or public support that he enjoys. Why can't he use his public notoriety to shine a light on the real issue?. does anyone seriously think those in remote communities give a flying fox about a word while they're living in humpies?
If political correctness comes into the debate to this degree, over a word......then nobody will ever feel comfortable saying what they really think for fear of being labeled a racist. . It's counterproductive.
So, what is stopping us from recognising Indigenous people in the constitution? What concerns you other than land title claims?
on 01-06-2013 10:55 AM
I find it easy to understand why it is offensive...in understanding I am not fighting about it
on 01-06-2013 11:07 AM
iza, nobody is saying that 'certain' people wouldn't take offense, but you're taking offense at a perception...if she'd called him a black so and so, then I'd be right up there with you saying she needs some education, but I'd still stand up for a 13y.o. being vilified no matter what culture she comes from or doesn't
You see, if you separate us into black and white, you discriminate without even knowing....most of us in cities are black and white. the only traditional Aborigines left are not part of this debate mate.
Can I ask you...if you were half Aborigine, or quarter or one eighth, would you only relate to that part of your heritage, or would you feel inclined to acknowledge the other 3/4's, half or 7/8ths? Most of that being other cultures? How can you split an individual in two?
while I might voice my opinion about Indigenous issues, I am also the first to say that the Convicts were equally the victims of the same discrimination. Only difference was that it was Classism back then and everyone other than the rich & powerful were animals.
Ask any Oirishman !! 200 crimes punishable by death in 1788.....I wouldn't call that an easy time on people guilty of nothing more than class crimes but the Brits had to colonise Australia somehow = enter slave labour.
on 01-06-2013 11:24 AM
you make it seem too hard for non Indigenous Australians to grasp the history ? It should be taught shouldn't it ?
on 01-06-2013 11:34 AM
It's not hard at all Iza...when you have indigenous background, it seems natural to have an interest in the culture not unlike people researching and linking up to their European ancestry etc.
I feel just as connected to the History of Ireland = my ancestors were stirrers to say the least...lol (transported to Australia for Mutiny against the English). call that a crime? I'd call it a cultural obligation...lol...in fact, do it twice to be sure to be sure...
I feel a connection to the Aboriginal culture because of my grandmother....but as I said earlier, it's her story, and only part of mine. btw, in her lifetime I never heard a bad word uttered against White people....she was older generation, and it wouldn't have been polite for her generation (nothing to do with her culture). she never differentiated is what I'm saying...she was as much Irish as she was Aborigine, and she acknowledged both. (I miss her a lot)