I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?

Adam Goodes has copped it twice this week - once from a kid and then by an adult who should know better.


I feel so ashamed of this country at this moment. I am sick of hearing a sentence start with "I am not racist but..." before the person launches into a race based attack on indigenous people (or Asians. Or Muslims).


What I have found the most interesting about the Goodes incident is how many people made excuses that made him look like the antagonist. Almost as if making racist remarks about indigenous people is no big deal. Treating him as if his feelings, his views (and everything about him) is unimportant. And I am staggered at how many people know so little about the history of racism a history that so many generations of indigenous people have had to go through.


And now Eddie Mcquire has shown us that racist comments against indigenous people is lurking just on the tips of our tongues waiting to be blurted out without refrain. 


I can't help but agree with this: One of the most savage responses to McGuire came from Magpies backman Harry O'Brien, who admonished his president, declaring he was ''extremely disappointed''. ''In my opinion race relations in this country is systematically a national disgrace,'' he said. 
Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/afl/afl-news/eddie-offers-to-stand-aside-20130529-2nc63.html


I agree with that last line - it is a national disgrace.

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I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?

No idea but please don't say we

I don't do that and don't know many people who do, offhand I think I could name 3 people....... who do. I always make my feelings clear at the time though, they usually try to joke their way out of it... but I am not buying it and they know it.

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I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?

I want to add to that.... I think it is just disrespect. For some reason a lot believe respect is earned, to me disrespect is earned, respect is a given.

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I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?

Community Member

Yep we sure have become thing skinned and super sensitive and way over the top.. .


The moral police had better issue a book of words us normal people cant use any more for fear of upsetting someone or for fear of making a SLIP of the tongue and by doing so upset some sensitive person... 


This is so over the top and being blown so out of proportion by the minority and the left and the moral police and media and it will back fire as the average Aussie is simply fed up with it.. 


People are so fed up with not being able to be them selves for fear of upsetting some one.


BTW Harry O'Brien, by the way isnt even Aboriginal he was born to a Brazilian mother and a Congolese father in Rio de Janeiro and simply jumping on the racist bandwagon.



But carry on with your anger and moral injustice and famed disgust and I am sure that this tread will get lots of the usual comments... 🙂




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I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?


BTW Harry O'Brien, by the way isnt even Aboriginal he was born to a Brazilian mother and a Congolese father in Rio de Janeiro and simply jumping on the racist bandwagon.



So this disqualifies him from commenting? 


Is Brazil and the Congo free of racism?


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I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?

NW:The moral police had better issue a book of words us normal people cant use any more for fear of upsetting someone or for fear of making a SLIP of the tongue and by doing so upset some sensitive person... 



what do you mean by us Normal people ?

Message 6 of 254
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I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?

If we Australians expect them immigrants to obey our Laws and respect Australians we should all be doing it.

Message 7 of 254
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I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?

we dont all trivialise it, some (like a poster above) positively embrace it (in a veiled sneaky way of course)

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I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?

My son is part aboriginal and I have to say he has never been the target of any type of racism either at school or anywhere else. If anything he was one of the most popular kids in school.


If he were the target of this kind of stupidity, he is of the impression that it is those that discriminate or slur that are the problem, not him, and I am proud he feels that way.


I know racism exists, but thankfully I think it is the minority not the majority.


We all bleed red


You can't please all the people all the time, so now I just please myself

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I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?

Community Member

You think racism just happens in this country?


With two adult kids who have lived overseas for many years in different countries, I can tell you racism is alive and well all over, not just here. That does not make it okay.


You dont have to be black to be discriminated against.  Am I allowed to say black, or is that racist too?  Its all got a bit silly.


Martini, let me know when you find the Uptopia you are seeking, we can all move there.


And for the record I think what Eddie said was unbelieveably stupid and very hurtful.

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