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Forum Posts

Humourless Conservatives

Just looking at the tone of the posts from the LNP side of the house, I can't find one shred of humour, particularly the self-deprecating type (which apparently we Aussies are good at). Everything is so damn serious with these guys, my goodness, are ...

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Tony Abbott Courts Armchair Voters By Phone

So Mr Abbott is now going to be holding VIRTUAL forums. He can speak to folks via phone hook up, avoid being anywhere near them and also avoid scrutiny from Main stream Media, and other voters around the nation. What a sneaky underhanded way to win v...

Government Local Council referendum.. Say no

So what is everyone thoughts on the local government referendum at this coming election Do you support it YES or NO or are you unsure at this stage Is there a total lack of information out there for you to make an informed decision yet? Say no to Can...

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Duct tape Surfing

This would have to be the best news story of the weekend so far. PASCALE Honore is just like any other surfer...

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Doesn't it take you back, what a great show - looking forward to next week

How to be the dumbest person in the room

Went to a breakfast gathering at our local member of parliament office walked to find out it was for all the heads of the local schools 15 to 20 principals ,deputy principals & school heads, have to say I felt very uneducated

I'm buying a new mattress, Which one?

I haven't a clue what's good. I spend a whole hour trying mattresses out today. Tried about 20 and can't really feel much difference. Costs range from a few hundred to a few thousand. Assuming money isn't an issue. So what should I look for in buying...