on 10-06-2013 11:01 AM
on 10-06-2013 11:03 AM
done, not that I really do anyway apart from stating I am sick of seeing them.
on 10-06-2013 11:03 AM
on 10-06-2013 11:07 AM
I've been trying to avoid, but i do make the occasional post, it's hard not to when they take over the entire board as they have been doing.
so yes, I will try harder too.
We could always keep bumping up old threads to move them down the page I suppose 😄
on 10-06-2013 11:21 AM
I started a new thread 😄
on 10-06-2013 11:22 AM
Does anyone want to VOTE on this ?
on 10-06-2013 11:22 AM
I started a new thread :-D.
i just posted on it :^O
on 10-06-2013 11:23 AM
Does anyone want to VOTE on this ?.
on 10-06-2013 11:24 AM
i just posted on it :^O
Me too. :^O
on 10-06-2013 11:24 AM