on 10-06-2013 11:01 AM
on 11-06-2013 04:06 PM
Unless Tony Rabbit is one of the IDs in disguise. 😮
on 11-06-2013 04:21 PM
wphew, another wasted read
on 11-06-2013 05:04 PM
I think maybe the moderators are a computer program. That would account for slaps for minor offences or for doing nothing wrong.
on 11-06-2013 05:26 PM
OK, I see your point but...... masked profanity is prohibited in our Community. and I have had mail for this myself, with * in place of words or letters.......
So, we know about it, it isn't a surprise......what gets me is some posters use capital letters for some words and it stays?
there is nothing fair about this forum.....but they are the rules we post under even if they are not clear.
yes at the ned of the day you are right i probably do deserve them, god only knows the unerverse seems to think i deserve it at the moment & i guess i should know commen sence is no longer that commen.
lets face after a short time nobody even remebers who you are let alone what you did or stood for
on 11-06-2013 07:27 PM
I'm sorry the universe is not being nice to you at the moment Kilroy 😞
on 12-06-2013 01:42 AM
on 12-06-2013 10:58 PM
Kilroy well all need to vent , here is as good a place as any:-)
on 15-06-2013 06:54 PM
bump for kilroy