I went to church on the weekend

That was a real eye opener.

the sermon was about giving to the church using some verse from the bible that i can't remember.


well anyway in a nut shell you are meant to give 10% regardless of how much you earn


so someone on minimum wage who happens to beleive has to struggle week in week out to satisfy the church

Message 1 of 69
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I went to church on the weekend

@*julia*2010 wrote:

i could be in the bible, but i have never read it


neither have i but found this in the link:


The key to understanding how God wants us to give to the Church is found in 1 Corinthians 16:2, "On the first day of the week [Sunday] each of you should set aside whatever he can afford," and in 2 Corinthians 9:5-8,


To paraphrase: God doesn't demand a fixed amount of money from us; he wants us to give from the heart. If people are forced by their church to give a certain percent of their income, that's extortion. If they give freely and cheerfully the amount they are able, that's a gift.



 suppose cant really argue with that....

interesting.....cause they said 10% quite clearly several times

Message 41 of 69
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I went to church on the weekend

glad you asked lol because i wasn't sure how to Smiley Embarassed

Message 42 of 69
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I went to church on the weekend

@imastawka wrote:

Grizz,  what on earth made you go in the first place?  Can I ask?

i stayed with a friend on the weekend, who asked me to come along.

Message 43 of 69
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I went to church on the weekend

A tithe (/ˈtaɪð/; from Old English: teogoþa "tenth") is a one-tenth part of something, paid as a contribution to a religious organization or compulsory tax to government.

Message 44 of 69
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I went to church on the weekend

@*mrgrizz* wrote:

That was a real eye opener.

the sermon was about giving to the church using some verse from the bible that i can't remember.


well anyway in a nut shell you are meant to give 10% regardless of how much you earn


so someone on minimum wage who happens to beleive has to struggle week in week out to satisfy the church

I believe you.I was thrown out of a Revivalmeeting recently because I stood at the door warning people not to enter.

They were preaching the same.They even brought along a portable eftpos machine.


They are conmen.They do not know Scripture and are headed to hell.

They all seem to agree when it comes to "TITHING".

The OT did indeed say to give 10% but it was not speaking of money.The NT says be a CHEERFUL giver.Give what you want.Whether it be everything or nothing.


The Book of Malachi is a favourite for these charlatans.Malachi speaks of robbing God of tithes and offerings and to bring the tiythes into the storehouse.


These so called churches tell people,THEY are the storehouse.


The STOREHOUSE is your HEART and CONSCIENCE!God is telling people to have compassion for the poor.Have a sense of disdain for injustice.Strive to destroy unrighteousness.THIS is what the Bible is saying and it has nothing to do with money.


These people are evil and are headed to hell.

Message 45 of 69
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I went to church on the weekend

That ID's a doozy.   Hope you can remember the password as well.

Message 46 of 69
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I went to church on the weekend

I believe you.I was thrown out of a Revivalmeeting recently because I stood at the door warning people not to enter.


you did that? Smiley SurprisedSmiley LOL

Message 47 of 69
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I went to church on the weekend

@*julia*2010 wrote:

I believe you.I was thrown out of a Revivalmeeting recently because I stood at the door warning people not to enter.


you did that? Smiley SurprisedSmiley LOL

YES!I have been thrown out of churches.I was escorted gently from a 7th day recently for asking questions they could not answer.I was escorted from the revival tent.They will be back in several months.This time I will say what I have to say INSIDE the tent.They are wolves stealing fromthe sheep.

Message 48 of 69
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I went to church on the weekend

don't get yourself arrested or anything

Message 49 of 69
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I went to church on the weekend

@*julia*2010 wrote:

don't get yourself arrested or anything

Do you think what I say on the internet is not what I say in person to these thieves?If you people not knowing God have sinned how much more have these that claim to represent God.

They cannot arrest me for speaking the truth.


If God gives me the words to speak then how can I not speak.

I once told a pastor that a HUMBLE whore from the streets of Kings Cross would make it into the Kingdom of God before he would.

The Holy Spirit laid it upon my heart to say it so I said it and meant it.


I have said much worse in the newspapers.NEVER ONCE have they replied because they CANNOT reply.They are wolves eating the sheep.

I once wrote to them in the paper that not only is the wolf eating the sheep but it is the shepherds that are deliving the sheep to the wolf.


Message 50 of 69
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