If Your Kids tell you they no longer believe in God

What's the best way to respond?

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Re: If Your Kids tell you they no longer believe in God

@janeababe wrote:

@the_bob_delusion wrote:

What's the best way to respond?

Well, i for one think that this is an interesting question.

Some of those who remember me from my posting days on the old board, will know that i AM a believer in God, but NOT a believer in the Bible or Religion. (This is my personal choice. I dont critise your religious choices)

BOB, i would have sat my child down and asked them WHY they no longer believe in God... or why they NEVER believed in God in the first place.(which ever the case may have been) 

Children's opinions at a young age are usualy  *adult influenced*  or *peer Group influenced*, so if a child suddenly has a change of opinion, I would like to know why?

Be open minded though.

Faith is not for everyone.  Man Happy

Can I ask a believer of which God?


If Faith is not for everyone, who specifically is it for?

Message 31 of 113
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Re: If Your Kids tell you they no longer believe in God

@the_bob_delusion wrote:

@janeababe wrote:

@the_bob_delusion wrote:

What's the best way to respond?


Can I ask a believer of which God?


If Faith is not for everyone, who specifically is it for?

sorry... i dont have a god for the sky and a god for the moon and a god for the trees, etc etc... to me, it's just *GOD*

Faith is for those who want to believe. Its the topic that might be different.

In THIS CASE, I have faith in God, but I do not have Faith in the writings of the Bible....

...Although, recently i watch the first series of ANCIENT ALIENS. It often referenced the bible to UFO visitations.... I was intrigued, but not converted... YET  ๐Ÿ™‚

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Message 32 of 113
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Re: If Your Kids tell you they no longer believe in God

@rabbitearbandicoot wrote:

@janeababe wrote:

@the_bob_delusion wrote:

What's the best way to respond?

Well, i for one think that this is an interesting question.

Some of those who remember me from my posting days on the old board, will know that i AM a believer in God, but NOT a believer in the Bible or Religion. (This is my personal choice. I dont critise your religious choices)

BOB, i would have sat my child down and asked them WHY they no longer believe in God... or why they NEVER believed in God in the first place.(which ever the case may have been) 

Children's opinions at a young age are usualy  *adult influenced*  or *peer Group influenced*, so if a child suddenly has a change of opinion, I would like to know why?

Be open minded though.

Faith is not for everyone.  Man Happy

I would think that school would be the chief suspect - both teachersAKA Adults and students AKA peer groups. After all, abiogenesis / evolution are taught as fact in school but belief in God is not allowed - so what do you think will happen to children.

Hmmm.... im not entirely sure you are giving children the credit they deserve to LEARN.
As they grow into teenagers/adults they will have crossed many paths, gained many opinions from various sources, and then settle on an view-point that suits their current level of understanding. As they mature, that level of understanding may change, grow, decline whatever happens, and their opinion may very well reflect a completely different angle.   Man Happy


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Message 33 of 113
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Re: If Your Kids tell you they no longer believe in God

@the_bob_delusion wrote:

What's the best way to respond?

first of all - i think its great!!!


it will give you a chance to have a talk to them

about how they came to the decision - you don't

want them to be pressured.


many issues kids face today are directly related

to the lack of communication with their parents.


be supportive - even if you personally do not agree.


do not pat them on the back and tell them  you're

glad they've come to their senses because if, for

whatever reason they change their mind - they might

not come to you to tell you Smiley Sad


can i ask - how old are your kids?



Message 34 of 113
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Re: If Your Kids tell you they no longer believe in God

@janeababe wrote:

@rabbitearbandicoot wrote:

@janeababe wrote:

@the_bob_delusion wrote:

What's the best way to respond?

Well, i for one think that this is an interesting question.

Some of those who remember me from my posting days on the old board, will know that i AM a believer in God, but NOT a believer in the Bible or Religion. (This is my personal choice. I dont critise your religious choices)

BOB, i would have sat my child down and asked them WHY they no longer believe in God... or why they NEVER believed in God in the first place.(which ever the case may have been) 

Children's opinions at a young age are usualy  *adult influenced*  or *peer Group influenced*, so if a child suddenly has a change of opinion, I would like to know why?

Be open minded though.

Faith is not for everyone.  Man Happy

I would think that school would be the chief suspect - both teachersAKA Adults and students AKA peer groups. After all, abiogenesis / evolution are taught as fact in school but belief in God is not allowed - so what do you think will happen to children.

Hmmm.... im not entirely sure you are giving children the credit they deserve to LEARN.
As they grow into teenagers/adults they will have crossed many paths, gained many opinions from various sources, and then settle on an view-point that suits their current level of understanding. As they mature, that level of understanding may change, grow, decline whatever happens, and their opinion may very well reflect a completely different angle.   Man Happy


as a wise man (or maybe a woman) once said, it's the formative years that will dictate what children / young adults will believe and think. If those formative years are ENTIRELY 'evolution is fact' and 'God is a myth' and 'believers are uneducated morons' - what do you think kids will grow up believing? It's getting to a point where people are almost AFRAID to believe in God for fear of what their families, friends, schoolmates and eventually workmates will say,


On the thread about 'struggle street' - almost everyone says it's the environment both home and school that are to blame for the generation after generation of 'Centrelinkers' / drug addicts. It is the same with ANY system including Belief in God.

edit" or should I say 'Non-belief in God;..

Message 35 of 113
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Re: If Your Kids tell you they no longer believe in God

@rabbitearbandicoot wrote:

@janeababe wrote:

@rabbitearbandicoot wrote:

@janeababe wrote:

@the_bob_delusion wrote:

What's the best way to respond?

Well, i for one think that this is an interesting question.

Some of those who remember me from my posting days on the old board, will know that i AM a believer in God, but NOT a believer in the Bible or Religion. (This is my personal choice. I dont critise your religious choices)

BOB, i would have sat my child down and asked them WHY they no longer believe in God... or why they NEVER believed in God in the first place.(which ever the case may have been) 

Children's opinions at a young age are usualy  *adult influenced*  or *peer Group influenced*, so if a child suddenly has a change of opinion, I would like to know why?

Be open minded though.

Faith is not for everyone.  Man Happy

I would think that school would be the chief suspect - both teachersAKA Adults and students AKA peer groups. After all, abiogenesis / evolution are taught as fact in school but belief in God is not allowed - so what do you think will happen to children.

Hmmm.... im not entirely sure you are giving children the credit they deserve to LEARN.
As they grow into teenagers/adults they will have crossed many paths, gained many opinions from various sources, and then settle on an view-point that suits their current level of understanding. As they mature, that level of understanding may change, grow, decline whatever happens, and their opinion may very well reflect a completely different angle.   Man Happy


as a wise man (or maybe a woman) once said, it's the formative years that will dictate what children / young adults will believe and think. If those formative years are ENTIRELY 'evolution is fact' and 'God is a myth' and 'believers are uneducated morons' - what do you think kids will grow up believing? It's getting to a point where people are almost AFRAID to believe in God for fear of what their families, friends, schoolmates and eventually workmates will say,


On the thread about 'struggle street' - almost everyone says it's the environment both home and school that are to blame for the generation after generation of 'Centrelinkers' / drug addicts. It is the same with ANY system including Belief in God.

edit" or should I say 'Non-belief in God;..

Out of curiosity Rabbit and surprisingly I've never asked you. Why do you believe the bible God exist? 

Message 36 of 113
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Re: If Your Kids tell you they no longer believe in God

as a wise man (or maybe a woman) once said, it's the formative years that will dictate what children / young adults will believe and think. If those formative years are ENTIRELY 'evolution is fact' and 'God is a myth' and 'believers are uneducated morons' - what do you think kids will grow up believing? It's getting to a point where people are almost AFRAID to believe in God for fear of what their families, friends, schoolmates and eventually workmates will say,


My experience was almost the opposite. After being  a practising Catholic all my life, I found it incredibly hard to share my feelings when, about ten years ago, I finally had to admit to myself that I could no longer make myself believe there was a God. I went on attending mass every Sunday for some years  feeling inside like  a complete hypocrite. Salvation came when our small church closed down and the congregation was absorbed into that of the Cathedral. At that point I was able to stop goingto mass withoutcalling attention to myself.

Message 37 of 113
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Re: If Your Kids tell you they no longer believe in God

It's getting to a point where people are almost AFRAID to believe in God for fear of what their families, friends, schoolmates and eventually workmates will say.




Oh, i dont see it being as that bad yet.... plenty of God Botherers around yet.  Man Happy

I dont know what is being taught in public schools as my children are all grown up, and my grandchildren attend Catholic schools.

I would rather that a child grew up a respectable, law abiding adult. Whether that child was taught about God or Evolution, is neither the be all-end all when you weigh up the importance of it all.

Man Happy

I hope its ok i didnt use colour in this post...... it has upset one of the others posters! Man Tongue
Made them hit THAT button....  Man Very Happy

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Message 38 of 113
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Re: If Your Kids tell you they no longer believe in God

^^^^^ sorry....
thats a quote from rabbitearbandicoot... NOT bob!  My apologies.....

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Message 39 of 113
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Re: If Your Kids tell you they no longer believe in God

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

as a wise man (or maybe a woman) once said, it's the formative years that will dictate what children / young adults will believe and think. If those formative years are ENTIRELY 'evolution is fact' and 'God is a myth' and 'believers are uneducated morons' - what do you think kids will grow up believing? It's getting to a point where people are almost AFRAID to believe in God for fear of what their families, friends, schoolmates and eventually workmates will say,


My experience was almost the opposite. After being  a practising Catholic all my life, I found it incredibly hard to share my feelings when, about ten years ago, I finally had to admit to myself that I could no longer make myself believe there was a God. I went on attending mass every Sunday for some years  feeling inside like  a complete hypocrite. Salvation came when our small church closed down and the congregation was absorbed into that of the Cathedral. At that point I was able to stop going to mass withoutcalling attention to myself.

as I have said many times on here, if I had been brought up a Catholic, I would no longer believe in God either - at least not their God. Their God, as well as most of their teachings - totally foreign to my view of what is true.


Having said that - Bob you will no doubt be enthralled that my two eldest children don't believe in God.


Message 40 of 113
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