on โ16-05-2015 07:29 AM
on โ28-05-2015 07:18 AM
@the_bob_delusion wrote:
@jessicadazzler wrote:
@the_bob_delusion wrote:
@rabbitearbandicoot wrote:
@the_bob_delusion wrote:Why do we have Tsunamis and Earthquakes killing and affecting millions??? It's to do with movements in the earth's crust as you well know. Is your GOd responsible for that? No.
Could an all powerful GOd create a world where there is no Earthquates?
He created an Earth that is capable of sustaining itself. Natural disasters are a part of that.
So an all powerful God cannot create a world without Natural disasters?
What would be the fun in that?? haha
on โ28-05-2015 07:19 AM
@rabbitearbandicoot wrote:
@the_bob_delusion wrote:
@rabbitearbandicoot wrote:
@the_bob_delusion wrote:
@rabbitearbandicoot wrote:
@the_bob_delusion wrote:
@rabbitearbandicoot wrote:
@the_bob_delusion wrote:Do you think you can create a world with less suffering? If so, you're doing a better job.
most of the suffering that happens in this world is the fault of MAN{kind}. - violence, robbery, murders, rapes, wars.
Who's responsible for the rest of the suffering? still birth, droughts, tsunamis, earthquaKes etc etc?
So GOd didn't create the world?
Don't be stupid Bob. If you create a {insert anything here} are you responsibly for what someone does with it?
WHo does anything to tsunamis, earthquates drought, miscariiages?? You ARE responsible if you already know the consequences of your creation would you agree?
rubbish Bob. If I create a pencil and someone sticks it in their ear, am I responsible? I probably thought at the time - this new invention of mine is going to make it possible for people to write - I wonder though!!!! what is someone sticks it in their ear?? On second thoughts, I may not create this pencil after all.
and, as I said before earthquates are a geological thing and so are tsunamis the result of earthquates. Drought is caused by weather patterns. miscarriages are caused by a physical / biological accident OR abortion through various forms be they deliberate or caused through some external force eg smoking, drinking, drugs, a fall etc etc.
Well said bandicoot. bob doesn't seem to understand the basic forces of nature.
on โ30-05-2015 10:49 PM
@rabbitearbandicoot wrote:
@secondhand-wonderland wrote:Sorry to detract but something I am noticing more and more is the amount of athiests that have been bought up Catholic. And Catholic schools seem to produce a lot of little athiests too. I wonder why that is...
I wonder?
anyone have an opinion on the questions that secondhand-wonderland asked?