on 25-07-2016 05:22 AM
An aircraft carrying an Englishman, a German, a Frenchman, a Mexican, and Donald Trump was crossing the Atlantic, when one engine started acting up. The pilot called back and told everybody the bad news, that one of them would have to sacrifice himself to save the rest.
The Englishman arose, opened the cabin door, and stepped out, saying "Brittania rules the waves."
The aircraft picked up altitude, but then the engine quit altogether. Once again, the pilot called back, and the German stood up, opened the door, and saying, "Deutschland uber alles" took the plunge.
The aircraft continued on its way, when a second engine started malfunctioning. Yet again, the pilot called back, and the Frenchman got to his feet, marched to the door, and shouting, "Vive le France" did the dive.
The aircraft picked up speed, and they continued. Alas, the second engine suddenly stopped functiong, and once more the pilot called back. Donald Trump got to his feet, opened the door, and pronouncing (he never just "said", he always "pronounced") "Remember the Alamo", threw the Mexican out.