Internet TV

I got one off these KODI TV Boxs on ebay and i think they are great with free tv.. I can sit in the house and watch Irish tv 3000 miles away.. Also you have free sports and movies.. wroth looking at your ebay for one.. I used to pay €30 for sky sports and now i get it for free.. let me know what you think..
Tommy Loves Everyone... Im a 75 year old nutcase..
Message 1 of 23
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Internet TV

Then I would assume it's an illegal box.


Tackling the use of Kodi and other set-top box software to stream pirated videos is now the top priority for rights-holders, a report says.


Some boxes or "TV sticks" support software add-ons that can stream subscription movies, sport and TV channels over the internet for free.


The Federation Against Copyright Theft (Fact) said about half of its current investigations concerned the devices.


It said boxes configured to receive premium content for free were illegal.


Read the link

Message 11 of 23
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Internet TV

@imastawka wrote:

Really EMB!!!!

 Don't you even know the name of the Australian Prime Minister?

To be honest Stawks, no I didn't. I thought it was that Julia Gizzard dame.





*slinks out of thread*

Message 12 of 23
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Internet TV

Fair's fair............I've lost track of yours as well      Image result for smiley oh the drama

Message 13 of 23
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Internet TV

"WHAT" ?




"You've forgot already" ?

Message 14 of 23
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Internet TV




see what happens when you stop eating ya brussels sprouts!


Message 15 of 23
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Internet TV

Dare I say it?   Didn't know in the first place

Message 16 of 23
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Internet TV

@imastawka wrote:

David is it Turdball or Turdbull?


Geez, even I don't know.........................Image result for embarassed smiley

its mr popular, acording to the latest newspoll....teeheee

Message 17 of 23
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Internet TV

Sorry, Thomas. Guilty as charged m'lud.



Message 18 of 23
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Internet TV

@imastawka wrote:

Then I would assume it's an illegal box.


Tackling the use of Kodi and other set-top box software to stream pirated videos is now the top priority for rights-holders, a report says.


Some boxes or "TV sticks" support software add-ons that can stream subscription movies, sport and TV channels over the internet for free.


The Federation Against Copyright Theft (Fact) said about half of its current investigations concerned the devices.


It said boxes configured to receive premium content for free were illegal.


Read the link

I read the link...As they done away with BBC TV in Spain by turning off the satulite that was giving everyone UKTV.. we had to find TV from somewere  so we turned to internet TV.. there is only 1 million brits in Spain.. When the TV was switched off people didnt know what to do more Home and Away..

Tommy Loves Everyone... Im a 75 year old nutcase..
Message 19 of 23
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Internet TV then most off the Boxes on Ebay must be illegal to sell.. i was just wondering how the people out in the wilds off Australia got their TV .
Tommy Loves Everyone... Im a 75 year old nutcase..
Message 20 of 23
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