Is enough being done to promote good health & nutrition in Australia?

Is enough being done to promote good health & nutrition in Australia?


I think not. So what needs to be done?  I personally believe junk foood should not be sold in schools.

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Is enough being done to promote good health & nutrition in Australia?

@lyndal1838 wrote:

Obviously Victoria is way behind NSW in regards to school canteens.

Maybe it needs to be a Federal Government initiative.


I do know that back when my children were at school it was up to the individual school to make their own policy in regards to the was up to the parents to come up with a list of foods they deemed suitable for their children.

Things have changed since the so-called good old days. Unhealthy children equate to mega profits for Big Pharma.

Somebody honest and caring needs to step in.


There should be a law that no McDonalds franchises be on school bus routes as well as within a certain radius of a school.


The below is from 6 years ago and adressed the problem of McDonald's promotion in schools.




Put an end to McDonald's in schools




This week it came to light that McDonald’s contacted primary schools and early childhood centres in my home town of Mildura in Victoria, offering to cater a lunch-time meal as part of their 'School Support Program'. This story was covered by The Age, provoking responses of disbelief, anger and frustration from fellow parents both locally and across Australia.


A sight that disgusts me is selling a parent feeding McDonald's chips into the mouth of a toddler as well as part of a burger.

Message 11 of 97
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Is enough being done to promote good health & nutrition in Australia?

I'm with you on that one - never considered selling a parent. 

Message 12 of 97
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Is enough being done to promote good health & nutrition in Australia?

Ambercat must like what you say.


Anyway, I meant seeing a parent. feeding a toddler chippies A typo that's all. But hey, you've got to have purpose right!

Message 13 of 97
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Is enough being done to promote good health & nutrition in Australia?

This week it came to light that McDonald’s contacted primary schools and early childhood centres in my home town of Mildura in Victoria, offering to cater a lunch-time meal as part of their 'School Support Program'. This story was covered by The Age, provoking responses of disbelief, anger and frustration from fellow parents both locally and across Australia.





 And I might add, she got a whole 15,202 signatures
Message 14 of 97
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Is enough being done to promote good health & nutrition in Australia?

 Amber is a free agent - can do what she likes - when she likes - & how she likes.


Not up to you to like or dislike - an easy concept for most.


What's with the ' dudes ' - ' gals ' - and now for heavens sake - ' chippies '.



Message 15 of 97
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Is enough being done to promote good health & nutrition in Australia?


Nothing wrong with a 6 year old article that helps fill in the picture of how bad things have been.


You will note that I did say "The below is from 6 years ago and addressed the problem of McDonald's promotion in schools."


Now 6 years later, some of those students have left school and are suffering obesity issues and are likely candidates for Type II Diabetes!

Message 16 of 97
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Is enough being done to promote good health & nutrition in Australia?

OK - then - when was the last time you had a child in school. ????

Message 17 of 97
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Is enough being done to promote good health & nutrition in Australia?

But it does show you have no life, spending your time digging up references that are waaay out of date, just tp 'prove' your point.


On just about any thread you participate in.


So much so sometimes, that they can be considered 'historical'.


 Or is that hysterical?   Maybe a bit of both.



Message 18 of 97
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Is enough being done to promote good health & nutrition in Australia?

Well - being me - I went for hysterical. LOL

Message 19 of 97
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Is enough being done to promote good health & nutrition in Australia?

@4channel wrote:

Ambercat must like what you say.


Anyway, I meant seeing a parent. feeding a toddler chippies A typo that's all. But hey, you've got to have purpose right!

Why do you become so upset by kudos and go on the attack if you don't like somebody's comment? After all we are just a bunch of user names and avatars. It can't be personal because most of us don't know each other in RL. Perhaps people would reciprocate if you took things less personally and tried to be friendly?

Message 20 of 97
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