Is it safe for your cat or dog to eat a vegan diet?

Is it safe for your cat or dog to eat a vegan diet?

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Is it safe for your cat or dog to eat a vegan diet?

Interesting point Tezza. As a farmer I regularly see how cruel nature can be. Foxes killing new born lambs, just for fun, rather than food, droughts bringing in plagues of starving kangeroos from the scrub looking for water and flies attacking un-mulsed sheep.


Nature is not always warm and fuzzy and kind. It can be cruel and ruthless and harsh. That is the real world, unlike the bitumised, urbanised, computer driven world that the animal activists live in. Trying to force the ideals of the artificial, plastic, urban,  web based world onto the vast natural environment simply does not work.

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Is it safe for your cat or dog to eat a vegan diet?

I agree nature can be cruel and let me say I am not against humans eating meat.


I can see the need for what i would call responsible hunting and humane killing. Sounds like a contradiction of terms, I know, but I just mean putting down quickly with the least amount of pain or fear possible. And I extend that to humans too. I never used to support capital punishment or euthanasia but I think there are times when it might be appropriate.


So I am not against killing and I don't like the aggression of the activisits to impose their world view.

But..., having said that, I think it is perfectly possible for a person to accept the natural world and the fact that some animals are hunters, but still support modifications to human laws or human behaviour. Two different things, because we're a higher order of thinking animal.


What activists are saying is they want humans to make the conscious decision to eat plant based foods. Whether that is feasible or not, I have no idea. It may be in our present westernised society but it certainly would not have been possible across all societies or all eras or all places.


I don't think they are going to change our society at the moment though, it is not a mainstream view. If they really want to make a difference, they should concentrate on changing the law in other ways, to ensure animals live & die more humanely. They could start with halal killing, or how live animal exports are carried out, egg farming etc

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