It's a sad day when you our govt uses "girl" as a derogatory term.





Mathateus Cormoron is more than welcome to leave this country.  We don't need his sort feeding our children negative stereotypes about girls.



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Re: It's a sad day when you our govt uses "girl" as a derogatory term.

That was nearly ten years ago.  Was she taken to task for what she said?



Deflecting the issue does not make what Cormann said more palatable or acceptable.




"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 111 of 128
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Re: It's a sad day when you our govt uses "girl" as a derogatory term.

What’s the difference between God and Bono?

God doesn’t wander around Dublin thinking he’s Bono.


boom! Robot Very Happy



Message 112 of 128
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Re: It's a sad day when you our govt uses "girl" as a derogatory term.

oh!  why not?

Message 113 of 128
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Re: It's a sad day when you our govt uses "girl" as a derogatory term.

Why not what? Woman Very Happy


"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 114 of 128
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Re: It's a sad day when you our govt uses "girl" as a derogatory term.

So if a labor mp called someone a girlie man then that's not as bad as  a liberal doing exactly the same, after all that was a while ago wasn’t it?


Double standards? yes, but also biased and hypocritical. , or what’s that other snipe your ilk are so fond of using? oh yes,

a frying pan for every occasion.


Petard anyone Robot Very Happy




Message 115 of 128
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Re: It's a sad day when you our govt uses "girl" as a derogatory term.

During a Senate debate in September 2005 about the full privatisation of Telstra, the Labor senator Ursula Stephens said: “This is much, much more than I can say for [former Liberal MP] Alby Schultz, who has acted as a ‘telecommunications girly man’.”





Woman LOLSmiley LOLRobot LOLMan LOLCat LOL

Message 116 of 128
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Re: It's a sad day when you our govt uses "girl" as a derogatory term.

@lightningdance wrote:

So if a labor mp called someone a girlie man then that's not as bad as  a liberal doing exactly the same, after all that was a while ago wasn’t it?


Double standards? yes, but also biased and hypocritical. , or what’s that other snipe your ilk are so fond of using? oh yes,

a frying pan for every occasion.


Petard anyone Robot Very Happy




Actually  I find that clip even more offensive than Cormann. It's bad enough when a man uses "girly" as an insult - when a woman does it she is demeaning her own sex. Did anyone think to take her to task for it at the time?

Message 117 of 128
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Re: It's a sad day when you our govt uses "girl" as a derogatory term.

I agree it is just as offensive if not more so.
Message 118 of 128
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Re: It's a sad day when you our govt uses "girl" as a derogatory term.

Yet again you are reading things that I did not write. I do not remember what the consequences of what the Labor MP said because it was nearly 10 years ago. It would have been a different political and social climate then but that does not make what was said any less acceptable. Or are you saying that you think it was more acceptable because it was so long ago?


My ilk? Is that not a tad hostile and interpersonal? I vote for whichever party has the most amount of policies that I agree with as well as their track record of morals and ethics.


As for my siggie, that has absolutely no political connotations whatsoever. I don't think I've ever seen anyone writing or even saying that there is a frying pan for every situation apart from me. And, I thought I was being original. LOL. No, it has nothing to do with politics or anything else publicly topical.



What do you mean by your last question? If its aimed at me, I am not at all impressed and perhaps you may want to do some editing.


"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 119 of 128
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Re: It's a sad day when you our govt uses "girl" as a derogatory term.

@nero_wulf wrote:

the hypocrisy of the left   but then the left and hypocrisy seem to go hand in hand



No problems for Labor when one of their 'female quota' applies the 'girly man' tag to a male. Why the fuss when a Lib male says it.
Typical of Labor's hypocrisy.



Girlie Man" - Labor Senator Ursula Stephens -


Former Labor Senator Ursula Stephens calling Alby Shultz a telecommunications 'Girlie Man'.






Did that tickle your sense of humour at the time, or did you find it offensive?

Message 120 of 128
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