on 27-06-2013 10:53 AM
Julia Gillard is a flawed human being. But she wasn't allowed to be one
When she made mistakes, as she was bound to do, her opponents pounced. Our binary view of women at the top was a gift for them
It doesn’t explain everything. It doesn’t explain nothing. It does explain some things.
This is part of what Julia Gillard said about her gender as she departed from the office of Australia’s prime minister after losing the leadership ballot last night. In my opinion, her summary is perfect.
Gillard’s problem is that she, like all the rest us, is just a flawed human being. Despite our desire for messiahs, if we’re honest or – dare I say – grown up, it’s the best we can ever get in our leaders. It is my observation, however, after a lifetime spent watching, studying and writing about women and power, that the problem for female leaders is that we are still not yet ready to give them the space to be merely human. We allow them an either/or position only. They can either be inspirational and amazing or terrible, dreadful, the worst we’ve ever had. For women, the difficulty is that there is no middle ground. If you get to the top you better prove you deserve to be there, girlie.
There is still a hint of the usurper around a woman who reaches the top. This works in both positive and negative ways. Difference both repels and attracts. Even those of us who pride ourselves on being "gender blind" greeted the idea of our first female prime minister with an excitement and anticipation that would not ordinarily accompany one of the usual suspects. And it’s not just women leaders who experience this euphoria. President Obama was also burdened by a level of public expectation that could not possibly be met. I suppose we recognise that the degree of difficulty for an outsider is much higher, so we feel that perhaps these people are going to be a bit special. By paying such leaders this compliment, we also inadvertently raise the bar too high.
It's worth a read. I've only posted half the story as it's long.
on 27-06-2013 11:02 AM
Thanks for posting Freaki. A thoughtful and wise insight and understanding of the human condition.
on 27-06-2013 11:06 AM
Stuff it, I'm posting the rest of the story 😄
Given this whiff of usurper around Gillard due to her gender, the circumstances of her getting the top job could not have been worse. The unprecedented coup against a sitting Prime Minister that led to her elevation simply magnified the sense for many that this leader had no right to be there. For her political opponents it gave them leverage to ramp up the unease many Australians already had about a woman at the top.
When she made mistakes, as she was bound to do, they pounced. For those who were uneasy with her leadership anyway – because they were part of an opposition that felt robbed, Rudd loyalists in her own party, or out and out sexists and misogynists – our binary view of women at the top was a gift. And, with the help of an increasingly hostile media, her enemies made the most of it. Every woman who has ever aspired to sit at the top table knows that when she gets there every mistake she makes will be held not only against her, but her whole gender. This – in and of itself – makes the task of leadership more daunting.
Gillard had considerable strengths. She is clearly made of stern stuff. She got many important measures through a fragile and fractious parliament. Indeed, holding that parliament together and keeping it functioning for three years is a considerable achievement in itself.
She also had weaknesses. In person, she was charming, but over the airwaves, she came across as stiff and uncomfortable. Her one moment of real magnificence as a communicator; the justly famous sexism and misogyny speech, was made in parliament, where she clearly felt at home and in control. She was also consistently unable to develop a clear narrative about her prime ministership. Every policy was slightly muddied. She declared herself passionate about education, for example, but took some of the money for the Gonski reforms from the universities. This may have been sensible policy, but it made the narrative vulnerable. Her government did this consistently, and gave more ammunition to her enemies.
In other words, she was not great, but she was effective and that isn’t good enough for a woman. For a woman to earn her job, I believe we still unconsciously expect her to be demonstrably better at it than any man, otherwise what right does she have to be there? I think this higher standard for women leaders is universal. Hillary Clinton experienced much the same sanctification and demonisation when she stood for the Democrat nomination. Is Australia more sexist than other countries? I don’t know. We are perhaps franker and less sophisticated in our discourse.
When Gillard departed last night, she also said that the next female prime minister would have an easier ride. I worry we won’t find out for a long time. I can hear the blokes now whispering that women are electoral suicide. Worse, women have watched the treatment meted out to Gillard and thought; “go into politics? No way.”
I believe that is a message that was deliberately sent.
on 27-06-2013 11:48 AM
The CS views expressed above are predictable (myopic also) but even with the PM gender card that Gillard played towards the end, and the article sympathises with, the Australian electorate had over a considerable time expressed their judgement of her via the polls.
"I can hear the blokes now whispering that women are electoral suicide" She would have been.
on 27-06-2013 11:59 AM
Monman, some would not read the article as Gillard specific, but a general view on some politics, especially involving candidates coming from left field (no pun intended). Either racially or gender.
on 27-06-2013 12:07 PM
The CS views expressed above are predictable (myopic also) but even with the PM gender card that Gillard played towards the end, and the article sympathises with, the Australian electorate had over a considerable time expressed their judgement of her via the polls.
"I can hear the blokes now whispering that women are electoral suicide" She would have been.
Which CS views?
What are you talking about. I posted an article by Jane Caro, which is within my rights.
One person commented.
on 27-06-2013 12:14 PM
It seems to me monman that you're as myopic than some of those you constantly call myopic.
on 27-06-2013 12:45 PM
It seems to me monman that you're as myopic than some of those you constantly call myopic.
I sometimes suspect that John worries about the predominantly female make-up of CS and sees it as his task to make sure we don't get ideas above our station.
on 27-06-2013 03:53 PM
thanks for posting that Freaki 🙂
on 27-06-2013 04:03 PM
Interesting read, thank you.
Yes, we best get back to our cooking and cleaning she ele......