Kanye West Fans Don't Know Who Paul McCartney Is!

On Twitter they are thanking Kanye for giving this 'unknown' singer, Paul McCarney,  a chance at stardom.  Am I getting old or what?





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Kanye West Fans Don't Know Who Paul McCartney Is!

@polksaladallie wrote:

@idlewhile wrote:

100% Agree, George was a beautiful human being and his son did him proud. The best concert I ever saw and Eric Clapton is the best guitar player in the world.


I watched a programme about George and Ringo went to see him in Switzerland when George was on his death bed.


Ringo said " I can't stay long George, my daughter is in New York and has just been diagnosed with a brain tumour" George replied,  "would you like me to go with you?" 


Ringo was brought undone when he told that story.

Nice words about George.  He certainly was a beautiful human being.  Died way too young.


You have reminded me about Concert for George, and Clapton, indeed the best in the world.  I haven't watched it for a year, so must do so again soon. 

I wish I had it I'd watch it again. "While my guitar gently weeps" was a show stopper. Sadly we lost Billy Preston last year. 

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Kanye West Fans Don't Know Who Paul McCartney Is!

@electric*mayhem*band wrote:

@myoclon1cjerk wrote:
Judging by the ringtones that fill the charts, generation iPod doesn't know much about music at all,or sound quality for that matter.



Amen to that !



And is it me, or do all singers sound the same these days ? Male and female. You can hear three songs by three (male or female) vocalists, and it's as if you are hearing the same singer. Nothing in their voices to distinguish them from each other. There was a time when you could tell who was singing from the first note, but not anymore. It's as if they're all sent from some sort of 'clone zone' to assualt our eardrums. They'd be great at funerals, singing dirges.


They all sound the same because most of them are autotuned i.e they can't sing.It's costing the economy too.They tend to play this drivel at shopping centre's etc which keeps me away. 🙂 If you want to see talentless in action,check out Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga's Cheek To Cheek.She is really bad.Tony's either going deaf or he's running late on his car payments
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Kanye West Fans Don't Know Who Paul McCartney Is!

Most music these days is like bad elevator music and you hope you are getting off on the first floor 🙂

All the women singers sound the same, with their little mini mouse voices, no strength to them.

All **bleep** and no class.

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Kanye West Fans Don't Know Who Paul McCartney Is!

I guess we baby boomers are going out in a blaze of glory if the resurrection of all the aging Rockers is anything to go by. The Stones, Neil Diamond, Kris Kristofferson etc...


'Course the youngies don't know who the heck they are.


They have their own music, and their stars are just as disposable as the lifestyle they've grown up with.

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