on 20-07-2013 12:32 AM
I'm really disappointed. Now we are not just the lucky country. We are the up yours country.
Refugees are being turned back to suffer in PNG. Every election I am so sick of the boat refugees being used. Every single time since Howard got in with the kids being thrown into the water to drown it's been the most disgusting use of human life to rule a country.
Shame on you Rudd.
on 20-07-2013 08:26 PM
20-07-2013 08:31 PM - edited 20-07-2013 08:33 PM
I think some of you are looking at this issue too emotionally. This solution is to prevent people drowning on leaky boats, to prevent our navy from having to time and time again recover bodies and to stop the smugglers who take money from these poor people who want to leave their country of origin.
This solution is NOT about curtailing refugees into this country. It's about stopping unnecessary loss of lives, and taking away the smugglers bait.
Kudos to Kevvy, Labour finally got something right on their own.
on 20-07-2013 09:06 PM
PNG is 4km from Australia...
many PNG'ers make it here by dingy weekly... they come shopping here, they seek medical attention here, they sneak in a little bit of cash in hand work here...
How long before the people smugglers figure that out and make another route??
on 20-07-2013 09:16 PM
@catmad*2013 wrote:PNG is 4km from Australia...
many PNG'ers make it here by dingy weekly... they come shopping here, they seek medical attention here, they sneak in a little bit of cash in hand work here...
How long before the people smugglers figure that out and make another route??
And then once they cross the straits what are they going to do? Walk 800km through croc infested national parks until they reach Port Douglas?
Land to land may be only 4km it's not as if they can simply melt in with the local townsfolk.
Newman is talking rubbish.
on 20-07-2013 09:17 PM
on 20-07-2013 09:20 PM
Catmad is simply repeating the latest from Abbotts BFF, Newman.
20-07-2013 09:22 PM - edited 20-07-2013 09:22 PM
@catmad*2013 wrote:PNG is 4km from Australia...
many PNG'ers make it here by dingy weekly... they come shopping here, they seek medical attention here, they sneak in a little bit of cash in hand work here...
How long before the people smugglers figure that out and make another route??
Frankly, as long as no one loses their life, I don't care.
on 20-07-2013 09:22 PM
on 20-07-2013 09:24 PM
There is nothing glorious in the political oneupmanship regarding this issue.
Always have to put the boot in.
on 20-07-2013 09:25 PM
Mr Abbotts comments as reported by various Murdoch media this afternoon - "I've got to say, I am grateful to Mr Rudd because if there's one thing he's done, he has destroyed any complacency on our side," Mr Abbott said.
Yeah right Mr Abbott lol! Complacency? But what are you doing about it Abbott. Nothing by the looks of it.