Kevin Rudd should be kidnapped and sent to Albania

Community Member

FORMER Labor leader Mark Latham says Kevin Rudd should be kidnapped and sent to Albania because he is destabilising the Gillard Government.


Mr Latham said that Mr Rudd had been on a three-year "jihad of revenge'' against PM Julia Gillard and his high profile appearances this week were distracting attention from the Government's messages.


"If he truly loved the Labor Party right now the best thing he could do is disappear, get out of the media eye,'' he told ABC Radio National this morning.


I'd kidnap Kevin Rudd, put him on a boat and send him to Albania,'' he said.


"And put a sign on the box `do not return until the 15th of September' (the day after the federal election). That's the one thing I'd do to help Labor's chances.''


Mr Latham, who lost the 2004 election to John Howard and then resigned the Labor leadership, also took aim at pro-Rudd MPs Joel Fitzgibbon, Allan Griffin and Daryl Melham for doing "bizarre'' media stunts this week.


Mr Latham said that Mr Fitzgibbon's mocking of speaking notes for MPs provided by Ms Gillard's office was the cheapest shot in politics.


Can you imagine (former PM) Paul Keating...having to put up with a goose like Joel Fitzgibbon and that little stunt of his earlier this week,'' he said.


"Anyone at any time can come out and have a go at the speaking notes issued by the leader's office.''

"Keating would have strangled him, throttled him.''


Mr Latham said that the Labor caucus had become ungovernable because the stable factional system of the 1980s had broken down and the party was now ruled by "a loose federation of sub factional war lords''.


"You've got a political party that is now descending into anarchy,'' he said.

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Re: Kevin Rudd should be kidnapped and sent to Albania

Community Member

Mark Latham lays into 'once-in-a-century egomaniac' Kevin Rudd


Former federal Labor leader Mark Latham has unleashed a remarkable verbal assault on his former party colleagues, branding Kevin Rudd a "once-in-a-century egomaniac" and likening Joel Fitzgibbon to a "giggling schoolkid effectively peeing on his foot".


You'll never see his like again as long as we live in Australian politics


With less than 100 days until the federal election, Latham said the antics of Rudd and Fitzgibbon this week pointed to the absolute disintegration of the modern Labor Party, which he said was ruled by warlords more intent on manoeuvring, plotting and backstabbing rather than representing their constituents to the best of their ability

Read more and a good a radio interview.:





Even the Bill Short Shorten says its going to be a landslide victory to Abbott


Cabinet minister Bill Shorten has added to the gloomy mood by conceding that the polls are pointing to a landslide Coalition win in September's federal election.


The Workplace Relations Minister was asked a question by a caller on talkback radio about whether Labor should switch leaders to try to boost its electoral chances.


Audio: Shorten concedes polls point to Abbott landslide win(The World Today)


"There is no doubt in my mind that if the polls are correct Tony Abbott will win in a landslide," he said



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Re: Kevin Rudd should be kidnapped and sent to Albania

Community Member

Ah Latham, nothing like a Labor rat & a good hater.


I'm surprised Rudd is still tolerated in the party after all his colleagues saying he is a psychotic narcissist, destabiliser, serial leaker, white anter & a complete failure as a PM.


Why is he still there?

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Re: Kevin Rudd should be kidnapped and sent to Albania

Community Member

Please God I never have to watch or listen to this phoney passive aggressive after the election when he will find he has  no profile & he has become irrelevant.


Rudd & Gillard will go down in history as the 2 most to blame for the destruction of the Labor party.

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Re: Kevin Rudd should be kidnapped and sent to Albania

what has Latham gone down in history as?

Message 5 of 14
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Re: Kevin Rudd should be kidnapped and sent to Albania

Please God I never have to watch or listen to this phoney passive aggressive after the election when he will find he has  no profile & he has become irrelevant.


Rudd & Gillard will go down in history as the 2 most to blame for the destruction of the Labor party.

He probably won't be silenced as it appears he may be the only labor member who retains his seat, apparently a lot of the labor front benchers are already clearing out their desks in Canberra.

My daughter went to a dinner recently where he spoke and she met him, she said he was a very personable guy who took the time to meet and have photos taken with everyone, my daughter has a lovely photo with him but I did not bother getting it framed.

Keep it nice, I might cry if you write anything upsetting (like not)
Message 6 of 14
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Re: Kevin Rudd should be kidnapped and sent to Albania

what has Latham gone down in history as?

A very nasty, bitter, vindictive man who is seen as a total goose and will stick the knife in when ever he gets the chance.

Keep it nice, I might cry if you write anything upsetting (like not)
Message 7 of 14
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Re: Kevin Rudd should be kidnapped and sent to Albania

Please God I never have to watch or listen to this phoney passive aggressive after the election when he will find he has  no profile & he has become irrelevant.


Rudd & Gillard will go down in history as the 2 most to blame for the destruction of the Labor party.


destruction is over the top. it's at worst an election loss. paul keating and john howard both lost elections. it wasn't that long ago the national party was almost extinct.

the fact is people will get sick of Abbott too ..


Message 8 of 14
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Re: Kevin Rudd should be kidnapped and sent to Albania


destruction is over the top. it's at worst an election loss. paul keating and john howard both lost elections. it wasn't that long ago the national party was almost extinct.

the fact is people will get sick of Abbott too ..


you have your head in the clouds LL, it will be a total massacre and annihilation which is a shame because any government needs a strong opposition and there just won't be one.

The next government will consist of the normal standard bickering that goes on now and very little business will get done because they are all such egotistical maniacs trying to satisfy their own agenda.

Keep it nice, I might cry if you write anything upsetting (like not)
Message 9 of 14
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Re: Kevin Rudd should be kidnapped and sent to Albania


the fact is people will get sick of Abbott too ..



I have to agree and as much as I despised Howard I don't think Abbott will have the same lasting power as him (which I hate to say was/is a better politician) although he may unfortunately remain longer as the memory of Julia lingers

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