on 23-07-2014 01:15 PM
Has anyone tried this and did it help?
I'm asking because I talked to a physiotherapist not from there who said they get a lot of
people who have tried it and made them worse.
My back pain is the lower back due to spinal stenosis - a narrowing of the disc - and I tried one
physio who made it worse.
Has anyone had experience with Kieser?
on 23-07-2014 04:30 PM
I have never heard of it.
I have degerative spinal disease, plus stenosis, and I know nothing can be done for my back, except pain killers.
I will never go to a physio again, as they made my condition worse.
I use to have facet joint injections, but in the end they didnt help, so just have to live with my pain.