on 17-01-2014 05:10 PM
GG Bryce at a funeral today for a victim of a coward punch/king hit said this type of behaviour is “unacceptable and un Australian”
When I had the temerity to say the exact same thing on here I was set upon and that my comment was likened to racist remarks.
on 17-01-2014 05:20 PM
Governor General Quentin Bryce tells the media that Daniel Christie losing his life to 'gratuitous violence' was inexcusable, intolerable and 'unAustralian'.
She did say .. it's unacceptable, it's unAustralian.
I guess the point the others were making is that the king hits are becoming far to common that it has become part of Australian behaviour ?
on 17-01-2014 05:21 PM
on 17-01-2014 05:26 PM
Seems insensitive to be disputing the use/intention of a word, when a family is grieiving over the needless death of their 18 yo son.
on 17-01-2014 05:26 PM
@am*3 wrote:Governor General Quentin Bryce tells the media that Daniel Christie losing his life to 'gratuitous violence' was inexcusable, intolerable and 'unAustralian'.
She did say .. it's unacceptable, it's unAustralian.
I guess the point the others were making is that the king hits are becoming far to common that it has become part of Australian behaviour ?
no that was not the point “they” were making.
on 17-01-2014 05:27 PM
I have said my piece here, no more to add.
on 17-01-2014 05:31 PM
am3 please dont try to make this out to be insenitive to a grieving family, are they on here? no, this is an entirely different thing, and no offence intended to any family who have suffered through this type of despicable act. OK?
Maybe I should have put a disclaimer on my post.
on 17-01-2014 05:32 PM
@silverfaun wrote:GG Bryce at a funeral today for a victim of a coward punch/king hit said this type of behaviour is “unacceptable and un Australian”
When I had the temerity to say the exact same thing on here I was set upon and that my comment was likened to racist remarks.
No, you were not set upon. People commented. Not everyone is going to agree with everyone else all the time but that doesn't mean people are "set upon" another, it means they disagree.
on 17-01-2014 05:35 PM
Well, I find the expression offensive who ever says it. Which ever I look at it it says to me: Australian = good - unaustralian = bad.
And to say that binge drinking is not Australian ..........?!
on 17-01-2014 05:37 PM
I think the suffering the family face is much more 'real' than someone objecting to a few replies they got on a forum.