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LNP wrecking ball govt, list of lies & incompetences

Here's a blog that records the abbott governments failures and lies. Wow, there are SO MANY (would love to edit that to bold, red).

The list is fully sourced.

Just some of the lies recorded...

- failed to spend his first week in an aboriginal community (instead, cut funding for aboriginal legal aid)

- failed to stop, or even slow, the boats. Hides them instead and now hides the minister too

- double backflip on Gonski, resulting in free handouts to the states that aren't contracted

- outright lies about the NBN

- downgrading of NDIS

- outright lie about providing the customised boat to monitor whaling. Instead, it is being used to hunt and capture asylum seekers.

It's an interesting list of failures...72 so far... and well worth a read. Can you think of others?

For all you people who voted LNP, how's that going for you?

Message 1 of 65
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Re: LNP wrecking ball govt, list of lies & incompetences

2 Jan


Looming health bill surge


Decisions made by Tony Abbott when he was health minister will soon cause a blowout in healthcare costs, dwarfing potential savings from a $6 fee for GP visits, a health workforce expert says.


As health minister in the Howard government, Mr Abbott oversaw a massive expansion of new medical schools, leading to an oversupply of graduating doctors, said Peter Brooks, former director of the Australian Health Workforce Institute and now a professorial fellow at the University of Melbourne.


Australia is expected to have 2811 superfluous doctors by 2025, according to projections in a 2012 report by the government body Health Workforce Australia. The figure assumes a modest 5 per cent increase in productivity in the healthcare system.

Professor Brooks said health lobby groups often say Australia will be short 2700 doctors by 2025, but the figure was misleading because it assumed no productivity gains would be made.


The boom in medical graduates would lead to a blowout in costs, with doctors already giving patients too many unnecessary procedures so they could earn a good living in Australia's fee-for-service system, Professor Brooks said.

Read more:

Message 41 of 65
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Re: LNP wrecking ball govt, list of lies & incompetences

INAM: "Is that your only comment John? Hardly worth the post. What about commenting on the list provided in the link?"

INAM,  if you remember I have often stated that the authenticity  of a post (and author) is dependant upon its/their reliability,  and once  an author however myopic, posts codswallop, like the bad apple/barrel syndrome,  it is  impossible then to expect anything untainted from the posters barrel(s) even allowing for the heavy pink bias.

INAM:  'And as to your 'majority rules' tag line, I am sure I don't have to remind you of all people that the MAJORITY of Australians voted for the Labor Party and not the Liberal Party by some 2% (if i recall correctly) in primary votes."

And  I do not have to remind you INAM that the Coalition is a formal alliance of:  the Liberals, Nationals and Country Liberals,  and  we all voted for lower house seats with full-preferential instant-runoff voting,  and single-transferable proportional voting to elect the upper house.
Simply put,  our electoral system views the Coalition's formal alliance as being one entity.

I also seem to remember the Poor Me and Rudd circus partook of an  "alliance" for their somewhat dysfunctional knife act over the years.


The final election seat count results in:


Message 42 of 65
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Re: LNP wrecking ball govt, list of lies & incompetences

@am*3 wrote:

Are the broken election promises/pledges the elephant in the room?

@am*3 wrote:

Are the broken election promises/pledges the elephant in the room?

Nah,its just Joe Hockey
Message 43 of 65
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Re: LNP wrecking ball govt, list of lies & incompetences

i had a spare 2 minutes so i read the list.


what a joke that is.

it is all opinion no fact

 a easy has gifting 2 boats to sri lanka "harmed" the australian people?

Message 44 of 65
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Re: LNP wrecking ball govt, list of lies & incompetences

tax dollars only hurt the rich i suppose

Message 45 of 65
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Re: LNP wrecking ball govt, list of lies & incompetences

@donnashuggy wrote:

tax dollars only hurt the rich i suppose

that hasn't answered the question

Message 46 of 65
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Re: LNP wrecking ball govt, list of lies & incompetences

The broken election promises are facts...there are more media articles, other than the link in the OP.


Here is an example of one


Dec 12


The Abbott government will break its NBN election promise of giving all Australians access to 25 megabits per second download speeds by 2016, Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull admitted in Parliament on Thursday.



Message 47 of 65
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Re: LNP wrecking ball govt, list of lies & incompetences

Genuine cases need to be taken seriously. It's like giving a child a lollipop when they are in danger

Message 48 of 65
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Re: LNP wrecking ball govt, list of lies & incompetences

The Abbott government has approved the biggest increase in health insurance premiums in almost a decade, as it walks away from any early implementation of its election promise to scrap the means-testing of the 30 per cent rebate for health fund  members

Job creation

The Abbott government faces more pressure over broken election promises as a new analysis shows it will fall well short of its pledge to create a million jobs over five years.


Despite Tony Abbott's repeated vows as opposition leader to ''under-promise and over-deliver'' in government, new parliamentary research into the government's own economic forecasts indicates the Coalition will fall at least 200,000 jobs short of its target.


Childcare workers

Tony Abbott's broken promise to early childcare workers is a cruel betrayal

Too scared to break yet another election commitment, the Coalition asked child care providers to break it for them. Our childhood workforce has once more been let down and ripped off


Message 49 of 65
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Re: LNP wrecking ball govt, list of lies & incompetences

health insurance premiums rise every year

Message 50 of 65
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