Labor Party, Rudd & Gillard A Total Failure

Community Member

Today Julia Gillard will have been PM for as long as Kevin Rudd.

Unfortunately for Australians their records are just as bad: more debt, deficits, waste, boats, broken promises and increasing cost of living pressures on families and more lies 


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Re: Labor Party, Rudd & Gillard A Total Failure

Community Member

A bad government was succeeded by an abysmal government


TODAY marks a dismal anniversary in Australian history, it is the day on which the Gillard minority Labor-Independent-Green government equals the Rudd Labor government's total time in office - 935 days.

Given the propensity for this miserable government to attempt to redefine failures as successes, it is possible that some foolhardy Rudd-hating, Gillard-supporting staffer may even pop a bottle of champagne in the office tomorrow when the current prime minister exceeds Rudd's abruptly curtailed term.





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Re: Labor Party, Rudd & Gillard A Total Failure

Message 3 of 73
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Re: Labor Party, Rudd & Gillard A Total Failure

Bring on the election & make all these failures & lies a focal point, after all, Labor are going to go negative on Abbott.

We should be told all the policy failure, waste, lies, spin,dirty tricks, thieving & rorting, freeloading consultants & advisors who have been sucking off the public nipple from 2007 onwards.

We should be told the truth for a change, of just how bad this govt. is,  no one should ever forget it. 

A resounding NO to vote Labor so we are never subjected to this appalling spectacle  again.

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Re: Labor Party, Rudd & Gillard A Total Failure

you want the truth ? the howard government was the most wasteful of any in australian history . fact.

remember all of the middle class welfare and attempted vote buying ? the IMF have tallied it up .. thats the truth.

Message 5 of 73
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Re: Labor Party, Rudd & Gillard A Total Failure

So what, they still ended up with a surplus.


What we have under this failed govt is a debt at $146 billion, growing bigger every day, no surplus, never even got close to a surplus, a surplus is not what Labor do.

There is no excuse that will ever exonerate this gdsgraceful, failed, corrupt govt.

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Re: Labor Party, Rudd & Gillard A Total Failure

I just find this Labor government unbelievably messy!  it just seems to be one drama after another, and each one worse than the last + I cannot listen to Julia Gillard any longer than a few minutes as I simply find her voice so irritating I want to smash the telly..sorry if that's a bit childish but I just can't help it. Smashing the telly every time she comes on is about all she inspires in me.  ๐Ÿ˜ž 

I just can't stand her..and hell will freeze over before I ever vote Labor again while she is leader. Even without her I think they've just plain lost the plot.

Her misogynist speech just plain did my head in!  I struggled through it on youtube and thought she just sounded like a shrew.  Especially as I'd not long read this which was going around on facebook.

It also adopted a policy on prostitution which said, in part: "Prostitution takes many forms and is not only the exchange of money for sex. โ€ฆ Prostitution in marriage is the transaction of sex in return for love, security and house-keeping." (Quoted by Helen Trinca, The Australian, April 6, 1984, p.7).

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Re: Labor Party, Rudd & Gillard A Total Failure

dirtdweller, I believe that it is recognised form of abuse which can sometimes happen within marriages.

Message 8 of 73
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Re: Labor Party, Rudd & Gillard A Total Failure

That is not what the policy said though,  it plainly states 'Prostitution in marriage is the transaction of sex in return for love, security and house-keeping."

And mentions nothing about possible abuse..

The public didn't like it, the article goes on to say this....

This bizarre statement made headlines across Australia. Anti-AUS student activists produced posters with the slogan: "AUS says your mother is a prostitute!"

By early 1984, not only Liberals, but moderate Labor and Jewish students, were campaigning vigorously to abolish the AUS. While Julia Gillard and her left-wing colleagues were defending the union, campus after campus was seceding from it, depriving it of funds and bringing about its rapid collapse.

Message 9 of 73
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Re: Labor Party, Rudd & Gillard A Total Failure

"AUS says your mother is a prostitute!"

If my husband deprived me of love,security and house keeping UNLESS i had sex with him where and when he said....

I would become his prostitute.


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