Labor has not changed --- Still the same rabble

Community Member

Bills Carbon Tax


It is twelve months today since Bill Shorten became Labor leader.


In that time, Labor has continued to drift, with no leadership, no direction, no ideas, no solutions and no new policies.


Then, in an interview with the Sydney Morning Herald on Saturday, Mr Shorten finally confirmed Labor would take a carbon price to the next election. Almost immediately, in a press conference on Saturday, Mr Shorten tried to play word games and claimed Labor will not have a carbon tax.


Who do they think they are kidding ??


Julia Gillard called her carbon tax a carbon price on over 350 occasions.


Labor has not changed.


In Government, they will bring back the tax that will hurt families and small businesses, cost jobs, and create more uncertainty. 





Message 1 of 23
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Labor has not changed --- Still the same rabble

....,will hurt families and small businesses, cost jobs, and create more uncertainty. "

You are describing the current Govt there
Message 2 of 23
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Labor has not changed --- Still the same rabble

Labor has not changed



thank goodness for that...


i'll be voting for them in this years state electiion, for the first time in years can't wait for november

Message 3 of 23
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Labor has not changed --- Still the same rabble

Survey finds 1 in 8 Australians cannot afford to pay electricity bill


A survey of Australian households has found one in eight people cannot afford to pay their electricity bills.

The Ernst & Young survey of households in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland showed more than one in 10 people have missed more than three bill payments in the past 12 months.

The proportion of customers often or occasionally worried about being able to pay their electricity bill has also remained consistently high at 70 per cent since the same survey last year.

Earlier this month, the ABC revealed some household bills had gone up as much as $1,000 in the past five years.

Ernst & Young's Jenny Young said the survey sought to gauge how people are coping with rising energy costs.

Message 4 of 23
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Labor has not changed --- Still the same rabble

I thought the prices were meant to come down around about now after the dismantling of the carbon tax
Message 5 of 23
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Labor has not changed --- Still the same rabble

$550 per avg family..another Abbott mistruth.
Message 6 of 23
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Labor has not changed --- Still the same rabble

every ay we are served up shortens rant,  all the dot points and workshopped words.

He will fail as a leader and Labor will sacrifice him.


Poor labor, they  havent addressed any of the inground failures that will destroy them from the inside.



Message 7 of 23
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Labor has not changed --- Still the same rabble

What are workshopped words??? Nice to know you like to listen to him.
Message 8 of 23
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Labor has not changed --- Still the same rabble

There is nothing quite like a good belly laugh, Wee Willie never fails to deliver one 🙂

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 9 of 23
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Labor has not changed --- Still the same rabble

he cant pronounce th

@poddster wrote:

There is nothing quite like a good belly laugh, Wee Willie never fails to deliver one 🙂

He cant even speak properly, wiv instead of with, seems to be all he can manage. total loser and will never

be PM of this country.




Message 10 of 23
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