on 17-08-2014 01:14 PM
FOR all the government’s errors, what is the alternative, a move back to Labor?
It is time for a reality check. Labor has three disasters looming and they make the government’s troubles seem paltry.
But, first, let’s be honest about the government’s failings. Joe Hockey has botched the budget. It slapped everyone across the face yet failed to land a knockout punch in the area it needed to — government spending. This continues to rise. Look at what Hockey has actually achieved so far: high offence to all and increased income taxes on self-reliant and productive citizens. What an embarrassing feat.
The government has problems with public relations, too. Never mind links between abortion and breast cancer; there are proven links between saying stupid things and losing government.
Why would you say there is a “budget emergency”, yet keep spending? Why would you introduce two categories of people: lifters and leaners? Why not refer to low-income households instead of poor people? This language just makes everyone feel bad.
Why did Eric Abetz even go on The Project?
Why would Malcolm Turnbull go on television to say mums and dads will just have to be sued for internet piracy? It is not his place to urge corporations to sue citizens; he can afford overpriced downloads but plenty of people cannot.
Why would George Brandis, after his bigot faux pas, go on TV to do a lawyer’s tap dance around the definition of metadata? He came across as a dictatorial prig. Labor people must pray daily that he ends up with the industrial relations portfolio.
The biggest criticism I could make of this government’s image is this: on its bad days, instead of appearing to be focused on making life easier for us, it looks to be deliberately trying to make life harder, out of spite. Labor’s job is to paint reasonable government people as socially backward, economically mean elitists who want to punish the community. Too often, this job is made too easy.
But speaking of Labor, here is the brutal truth: within the next year, three processes will be finalised and disaster is bound to strike. These processes are two police investigations and a royal commission into union malfeasance.
The first police investigation is into the Australian Workers Union scandal. A police document says the police intend to charge Ralph Blewitt, Bruce Wilson and “others”. Last weekend, this paper published excerpts from a legal opinion that said there was enough evidence to suggest Julia Gillard’s involvement should be considered by a court.
Gillard has always strongly protested her innocence. It may be that she is blameless. If she isn’t charged, then the investigation will be painted as a Tory witch- hunt on an innocent woman and Tony Abbott’s accusation of law-breaking may look defamatory.
However, if Gillard is charged and convicted, the ALP team, already regarded as incompetent, will be known as the goons who put a criminal in the Lodge. That will be a disaster for them.
The second police investigation is into the very serious allegation of rape against a 16-year-old girl, many years ago. A senior Labor person has been under investigation for almost a year. The person has not been named in the media (if he were a footballer might this be different?) but anyone with an internet connection knows who he is.
When this investigation is finalised, one of two things will happen. Either charges will be laid, which will be a disaster for Labor, or charges will not be laid, and the complainant may make her story public, which will be a disaster for Labor.
The royal commission into trade unions is bound to be a disaster for Labor, as it no doubt will reveal embarrassing wrongdoing by ALP heavyweights.
Certain unions have long been known as the place grubs go to get their **bleep**s on the velvet. These unions, because of their cash reserves, buy the best ALP seats, the finest grade of velvet, reserved for the biggest grubs. I expect the commission to tip out at least two of these grubs, if neither police investigation does so first.
So, although the ALP is flying high, disasters are just around the corner. When these strike, the community will feel betrayed and let down, and it will turn to the government for leadership and support. These moments will represent political windfalls.
on 22-08-2014 10:44 AM
what rubbish Nero,
the allegations were under investigation and no charges were laid because there was no case to answer
can I just ask, who broke this story first. was it The infamous Oz by any chance?
on 22-08-2014 10:58 AM
on 22-08-2014 11:48 AM
on 22-08-2014 11:52 AM
Is it okay to slander someone here ? the lnp devotees are prepared to tell any lie. they know tone is a lame duck on his way out (and those blogs are mostly read by the elderly and those with just basic reading and comprehension skills )
on 22-08-2014 11:54 AM
thats the general idea. if you can't win fair and square make stuff up. sad
on 22-08-2014 11:56 AM
Yes, nero, that is the police terminology; they do not look if person is guilty or innocent, that is what courts do. Police look if there is any or enough evidence to charge person.
on 22-08-2014 02:13 PM
I'm waiting for an apology to Shorten from those here who posted vitriolic remarks months ago when this matter first came to light.
Should I hold my breath while I wait?
on 22-08-2014 02:18 PM
@polksaladallie wrote:I'm waiting for an apology to Shorten from those here who posted vitriolic remarks months ago when this matter first came to light.
Should I hold my breath while I wait?
If you wish to turn purple and feint.