on 18-01-2014 08:14 AM
I know there are excruciatingly funny people on here because I have read their comments.
I am not funny but I do so enjoy a funny quip or riposte. Anybody got anything funny to say or just make up something.
Now I know being funny is the hardest thing to do but we should give it a go...anybody game....poddy? how is the ant naming coming along?
on 18-01-2014 11:57 AM
Is it any wonder the DIGGERS family nic name is "SITUATION'.... (NO DOGS WERE HURT IN THIS PIC)
So ..Kaylene and I were sitting on the back verandah and we heard diggers curious "muffled" growl and then a rustle rustle rustle in thegrass and I predicted that in two odd seconds we would see digger hurling past doing laps with a palm frond in his mouth
....as is "the will of a staffies want"... I got it half right..
digger came around the corner...high speed mobile with an empty All Bran cereal packet, cardboard box bag and all
.. stuck on his head running blind ...when I finally caught him
... or rather...
he slowed down enough that I could catch him due to a severe lack of oxygen... ( IRIPPED IT OFF STRAIGHT AFTER
he had lost the CARDBOARD box on the barbed wire fence but still had the bag firmly wrapped over his noggin I snapped this quickly before I tore it off... He had tipped over the recycling Otto... only a staffie is "smart' enough to do something like that
on 18-01-2014 12:01 PM
No training required...one day he just started picking cko's off the vine himslef and eating them.....GOOD BOY situation
eat up your greens one day.... then toooot tooot toooooooooot... vego dog faaarts for a weeeeeeeek
on 18-01-2014 02:01 PM
on 18-01-2014 02:12 PM
on 18-01-2014 04:37 PM
I had a llasa Apso who had a penchant for Vindaloo, I‘ll say no more about that
on 18-01-2014 05:33 PM
Big Crikey's dog has the run of the entire house. He sits under MY desk at MY feet and "drops his little gas explosions"
Same dog, likes the cheese flavoured twisties, he's forever getting his head stuck in the packet and wandering around like the pup in the story up there.
Little Crikey's dog just drink's your coffee if you're not on the ball, but only likes it with milk and 2 sugars. He won't touch a cup without that.
on 18-01-2014 08:01 PM
at Laddie the Lad...
I was watching a Pommy Police Dog show the other night and one of their dogs was called Daniel the Spaniel...
on 18-01-2014 08:04 PM
If I have a glass of water by the bed Lilli cat drinks out of it, I woke up one night hearing this strange slurping noise, I hope I have never drunk out of the same glass as the cat.
on 18-01-2014 08:07 PM
Driving out through Ryde this morning on the way to Windsor I drove past this new paint shop. On It's big showroom window they'd painted"
We put the PRO in Project
we have no idea who put in the ject
on 18-01-2014 10:14 PM
That so brings back memories of our departed cat Bimbo.
I caught her licking the butter I left out on the bench, I used to leave it out often. We prob been eating it for years, she was 19 when we had to put her to sleep.
Probably had cardio vascular disease with all the cholesterol from the butter she glommed down for years.