Liberal party incompetence

the NDIS was bound to have problems once the lib/nats got hold of it and under funded it.


same as the NBN

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Liberal party incompetence

The scheme was Labors baby. They dreamed it up, designed it and the implementation stratedgies for it. As usual they also failed to provide adequate future funding to get the scheme up and running.


Sure the Liberals havnt done a great job of cleaning up this Labor mess, but they where handed an absolute dogs breakfast and now have to try to actually implement it, fund it and try to make it work somehow..


The scheme was well and truly off the rails while Labor was still in power and the warnings of problems identified by those who work in the sector are just coming to fruition exactly as predicted.

Message 3 of 10
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Liberal party incompetence

c'mon, we talked about this before, yes it was a labor 'baby'

they planned to increase the medi care levy slightly to pay for it, and most people thought that was a good reason to increase the levy.


the lib/nats scrapped that and said they could fund the ndis without raising the levy, and look now, its underfunded!


would it still have had problems with labors plan, prolly, but we arnt under labor.

Message 4 of 10
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Liberal party incompetence

The main problem was and probably still is the the spending,(the guidelines were breached all the time and


the real figures never stated).

Millions of dollars is being milked by companies and businesses that do nothing but take money that's not


intended to reach their greedy pockets for services that should not be included in the scheme,(there is no






Message 5 of 10
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Liberal party incompetence

Setting the political blame game aside for one minute, there are several problems with the scheme. The first is the huge beuracracy that has been built up around the scheme. There are enormous numbers of public servents employed doing diddly squat for the people who actually need to access the scheme. This is using up a lot of the NDIS funds.


There is a whole new gravy train of privatised service provider companies milking the system dry of funds that where meant to go to people with dissabilities and existing sservice providers who may have been charitable organisations now dont want to talk to clients unless they are signed up to the NDIS and have funds in their package to pay the organisation for a five minute phone call. Yep, its happening right now. Royal society for the blind wont give any advice or service over the phone to a blind person unless they are signed up to the NDIS and have funds allocated to RSB for services.


All of the existing service providers who offered their services free of charge to disabled people now only provide services with a large fee attached. Other volunteer & charitable community based organisations that have not joined up as fee for service providers have gone, forced out by the fee for service providers and Government NDIS policy.


Its just typical of when governments take over anything. All they do is employ legions of public servents who are basically a useless, unproductive drain on everyone and everything.

Message 6 of 10
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Liberal party incompetence

Or you could outsource (privatise) and it won't be a drain on the public purse. Like our unemployment setup*

*Sarcasm alert.
Message 7 of 10
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Liberal party incompetence

@chameleon54 wrote:

The scheme was Labors baby. They dreamed it up, designed it and the implementation stratedgies for it. As usual they also failed to provide adequate future funding to get the scheme up and running.


Sure the Liberals havnt done a great job of cleaning up this Labor mess, but they where handed an absolute dogs breakfast and now have to try to actually implement it, fund it and try to make it work somehow..


The scheme was well and truly off the rails while Labor was still in power and the warnings of problems identified by those who work in the sector are just coming to fruition exactly as predicted.

"The scheme was Labors baby. They dreamed it up, designed it and the implementation stratedgies for it. As usual they also failed to provide adequate future funding to get the scheme up and running."


Yes , "the scheme was Labors" but it was the Coalition aborted it and gave birth to this mess we now have, which is the same as building a car out of parts from a wrecking yard and left overs current car makers, left over technology from years gone by, fitting it with different size wheels with bald tyres and trying to calling it a Rolls Royce


"Sure the Liberals havnt done a great job of cleaning up this Labor mess, but they where handed an absolute dogs breakfast and now have to try to actually implement it, fund it and try to make it work somehow.."


The dogs breakfast the "NBN" is now in is purely the coalitions making. The have gone from one blunder to another with their "faster, cheaper, more reliable" version" which by most accounts is now just about  obsolete.


"The scheme was well and truly off the rails while Labor was still in power and the warnings of problems identified by those who work in the sector are just coming to fruition exactly as predicted."


The labor scheme was well in its infancy when your coalition mates came to power. After that they proceeded to wreck the concept of the NBN fibre to home just to suit Uncle Rupert's instructions.


They have treated NDIS exactly the same, take funds from it to finanance other causes.


Message 8 of 10
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Liberal party incompetence

turnbulls NBN.jpg

Message 9 of 10
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Liberal party incompetence

@davidc4430 wrote:

the NDIS was bound to have problems once the lib/nats got hold of it and under funded it.


same as the NBN

They voted in favour of the NDIS before the election and now they are now "repurposing" NDIS funds to drought relief projects

Message 10 of 10
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