Little vent.....

So I was out with my sister this morning.  We are very close and get on famously.  Her husband and herself make very good money, and she's one of these people who must have the finest of everything.  My husband and myself in comparison are not as well off, and this morning we were chatting about money/clothes and I told her I have on occasion  bought clothes from Lifeline for myself.  Well, the look of horror and shock on her face made me feel more than a little bit sad.  She couldn't believe I would buy clothes second hand.  She asked me what I had bought there and I wouldn't tell her.  She said, "Well it's not like you walk around wearing a sticker saying bought from Lifeline, so how am I supposed to know?"   


Umm, "know" what exactly?  That's my point - you wouldn't know if they were purchased from an op-shop or not!!! 


Anyway, vent over.  I just feel a bit disgusted and sad that some people think that way.


Message 1 of 25
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Little vent.....

Ha ha that's funny red.loll...


The point is you can pick up some FANTASTIC bargains from the oppies where people have spent BIG $$$'s only to find they don't like it and put it in the bag for charity. What a waste of good money.


Well thank you ma'am.


I know where I'd rather spend my money.



Message 2 of 25
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Little vent.....

That is a bit rude, especially as she is your sister.. Why should it matter where you get your clothes?


I buy most of my clothes at op shops, I used to work in one and a lot of the stuff that came in was almost new. I can't believe what people throw out.. 


I picked up a cute little enamel saucepan that looked brand new. I love looking through op shops seeing what treasures I can find.. My friends and I often make a day of it


You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means
Message 3 of 25
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Little vent.....

Thank you, I feel better now, lol.  I might ask her to spend the day shopping with me and we'll go trawling through the op shops.

Message 4 of 25
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Little vent.....

Community Member


I am right now wearing a gorgeous pair of Aztec Rose denim shorts, bought from an op shop for $6. They were brand new with tags on and had I bought them from the surf shop, would have cost me about $60. 


You find some great stuff in 2nd hand shops. If she couldn't tell you wear 2nd hand clothes, your obviously pretty savvy when it comes to picking up nice clothes. I wouldn't worry about it.

Message 5 of 25
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Little vent.....

Good bargains to be had, but remember, your sister may not have seen that side before and has a horrible picture in her mind until it is shown to her. 😉

image host
Message 6 of 25
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Little vent.....

Op shop buy genuine Versace Tshirt, NEW my favorite.


I also bought another very nice tshirt, Googled the brand, found out sell in the UK for 185 POUND.



Huge art Glass Vase $15, new in Shop $650.

Addicted to Oppys


Message 7 of 25
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Little vent.....

I am an op shop fan... 


the funny thing is that people like your sister go and spend a fortune on the latest items, wear them for a season and then give them away to the op shop where people like you and me and other smart people buy them at often not even 1/10th the cost.... 


Who is the silly one now??? 

Message 8 of 25
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Little vent.....

No don't stop your sister from buying expensive clothes as she will  probably soon 

get sick of them then she'll give them away to op shops and we can buy them. 🙂


I can't tell you how many Designer labels in impeccable condition I've bought at op shops 

for a song.  


Message 9 of 25
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Little vent.....

I remember when my sister in law had babies I bagged up all the baby clothes I had in the house and gave them to her. I thought she would be overjoyed cause there was so much and they belonged to her nephew. It was all in good nick too.


She told me I was insulting her and asked me why I thought she'd be interested in all my old rubbish?. 😮


Gees - my kids had hand me downs from everywhere and everyone - I accepted EVERYTHING! And was grateful even if the clothes weren't in the best condition. And not because I was poor and desperate.

Message 10 of 25
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