on 19-01-2013 07:58 PM
This is Screech.
For the last couple of months we've had a very diligent Tawny Frogmouth pair sitting on their nest close to the house. We've watched with anticipation and were finally rewarded by seeing a little bundle of fluff popping his head out of the nest.
Then last weekend - DRAMA - I walked outside to see a massive monitor making his way towards the Tawny tree. Screamed at hubby to come and help, we tried to avert disaster, but the monitor was way too fast for us and scaled the tree.
Mumma Tawny was very panicked, as the monitor came closer to the nest she flew off into a nearby tree. She gave me a look of absolute desperation HELP ME! (yes, she did!) but the nest/monitor were way too high for us to do anything. Hubby tried to throw things at the monitor, but I stopped him as the monitor's life is no less precious than the chicks - I didn't want to see the monitor get toppled out of the tree and hurt or killed. Plus hubby damn near hit my car with a rock. ;\
I put some eggs around the base of the tree so the monitor could see them, in a vain attempt to lure him away from the chick. We had to go out briefly, so wished the Tawnys good luck. Alas, when we came back, the nest was empty :_|
Went about our afternoon chores when suddenly I spotted baby Tawny! Sitting on the ground next to the tractor. We dropped everything, made him a makeshift nest and put it up in the tree, then caught him and put him in the nest. We saw Mumma and Pappa Tawny watching nearby.
Cut down a long story, Bubba kept jumping out of his nest over the next three days and Mumma and Pappa abandoned him, so the decision was made to bring him inside to keep him safe from both the monitors and our dogs. (our four young ones would kill him).
He will be released as soon as he can fly properly and learn to catch his own bugs (I am catching them for him at the moment). He's all puffed up and hating me in the photo, that's a good thing, we don't want him imprinting on us. He's feeding really well though (I hate you, I hate you, yum, yum, more please, I still hate you).
on 08-03-2013 07:56 PM
Well he went. Kinda.
First three attempts he flew straight back into his aviary.
Fourth attempt he flew into the large tree next to his aviary.
For about two minutes.
Then he flew back into his cage.
Next attempt we tried from a different angle (so he couldn't fly straight back in through the door).
Now he is sitting on top of his cage surveying his potential kingdom.
I think I managed to capture an in-flight shot (as he flew to the tree), but not even going to attempt to download tonight, way too tired.
If I find him back inside his cage in the morning, we'll try again tomorrow night, but he has the whole night to explore, so I doubt he will stay sitting atop his cage all night - I'll go out and check on him again in another half an hour - was getting bitten alive by midgies, so had to come inside.
on 08-03-2013 08:03 PM
Well that goes to show Screech is comfortable with you, if he/she won't go why don't you just leave the cage door open (if it is safe) so he/she has the security of the cage but also the freedom to come and go whenever.
I don't know anything about birds but do you think if you left a food trail to a tree that might encourage Screech to go further.
on 08-03-2013 08:09 PM
I think Screech will stick around. When I was a kid a Tawny used to show up every evening and we would feed him mince. We shouldn't have, but back then we didn't know any better. They become very quiet, so I expect he'll stay in the neighbourhood until spring fever hits him.
on 08-03-2013 09:18 PM
Maine, I have left the aviary door open (he's currently sitting on top of the door), so he has the choice whether to go back inside or fly away. Can't leave a food trail, as food is bugs and the bugs would.... fly away!
Myrtle, I hope you're right, I do know that they will tame down quite quickly in captivity, so hopefully he trusts me enough to hang around.
on 08-03-2013 10:33 PM
Well he's made progress; now sitting on top of a fence post, a whole..... half a metre away from the aviary door. Sigh - it's going to be a long night.
on 08-03-2013 11:21 PM
He's just "spreading his wings" Monsters, one feather at a time getting his confidence, but one thing for sure, he'll always know you were his friend xxx
on 09-03-2013 11:29 AM
Well he's made progress; now sitting on top of a fence post, a whole..... half a metre away from the aviary door. Sigh - it's going to be a long night.
So cute! :^O
He'll find his big boy pants soon enough. :-x
PS Thank you for your lovely story monsters.
on 09-03-2013 11:36 AM
thanks for the updates monsters, he's just testing the water so to speak. i can't wait to hear if he's back in the cage or not this morning .
on 09-03-2013 11:41 AM
And guess who's back in his aviary this morning?
I have shut him in for the day (for safety - too many critters running around this place during the day) and will try again tonight.
on 09-03-2013 11:52 AM
awww he loves you monsters!
I hope he got out and about a bit last night. You're going to have to keep leaving the cage open at night and hope he'll eventually adjust to freedom