Looking for a friendly place :)

Community Member

The UK boards really must have become the wasteland everybody is saying they have if people  have to  resort to posting in another country.


Permanently cast out members having to trawl around to other countries to post?  is this what will happen or is happening in OZ?


Should members be permanently veto'd or should a lengthy veto suffice for a gross violation, not just the petty interpersonal reports.


What constitutes a permanent veto, surely not on the back of some members who  gang up on another to drive them off?  that is a true violation of what the boards were.


This is a debate we should be allowed to have, in fact we should be allowed to hotly debate, have robust debate,  as long as its civil.

Message 1 of 29
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Re: Looking for a friendly place :)

We should be able to...... we used to be able to................. but I think some might take advantage.

Message 2 of 29
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Re: Looking for a friendly place :)

ive been spreading my love on the US boards as of late

Signatures suck.
Message 3 of 29
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Re: Looking for a friendly place :)

I think that would explain some of the "just joined' id's lately, and being registered as being in Oz.

Some seem only interested in stirring, and not contributing.

I notice some of the id's don't last long.


Message 4 of 29
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Re: Looking for a friendly place :)

Community Member

If some want to ram their disappointment down everybodies throats along with countless links and C&P to lecture and finger wag, bemoan the state of politics now Labor has lost, then that is using the boards for a political reason  and if you don't like it don't participate is my opinion on that.


People are interested in different things and having an opinion on that is, their opinion,  not designed to garner an onslaught of derision and name calling although I see that has abated as well on here (the name calling)


Using descriptives is also frowned upon, descritives of a person being discussed (not a poster)  eg: Rudd desriptives and we all know what they were.


When a witty reposte is posted, that can get you into hot water too,  then we are subject to the tut tut from the mods telling us all to play nice, a real thread killer.


There is only a dozen or more on here who regulary participate so if the boards do become the wasteland that the UK have then can it be blamed on them? or is this their  mission and we, the users, are not considered.


Is this the new sterilized way they are bent on achieving? is this their model?

Message 5 of 29
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Re: Looking for a friendly place :)

maybe you are overthinking it?


Message 6 of 29
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Re: Looking for a friendly place :)

I have posted on all 3 boards and yes my threads last the shortest in the UK board. 

Message 7 of 29
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Re: Looking for a friendly place :)

@azureline** wrote:

maybe you are overthinking it?


Not really,  I respect your opinion,  but I am coming from my experiences.

Message 8 of 29
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Re: Looking for a friendly place :)

Silver, I can assure you that I haven't been permanently cast out of the UK ebay boards, and nor am I on 'gardening duties', but I will agree with you that the Round Table has deteriorated into the 'no man's land' that it is these days. Wasn't always the case, but sadly is now. In fact only today - well yesterday actually since it's gone the witching hour here in Blighty - someone posted a thread exactly voicing your sentiments. I'd C&P the thread for you, but I'm not sure that's permitted on here, so I will desist, but if you care to log into the ebay RT, the thread is named 'The demise of the boards? Perhaps that will give you an insight. You will be quite safe, as I'm sure the last poster departed hours ago. *sniggers up sleeve*


The reason I come over here is because I like the Ozzie laid back attitude and their sense of humour *creep, creep* and for the fact that there is a wide variety of topics that move along like the Looney Tune Roadrunner, and some nice folks on board too *creep, creep, X 2*.  This is in complete contrast to our forum. You'd be lucky to see one thread per day. On here, a thread can slip onto page two in under 24 hours. Quite a lot of threads here are politically orientated, and since I know absolutely nothing about the Australian political scene, usually - although not always as some can be quite funny - I refrain from posting on them. And yes, I suppose I lurk a lot, but having a damned good laugh at the same time.


Anyway you people have a good day. I'm off to pile up the ZZZZZs. 


Good Night. 

Message 9 of 29
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Re: Looking for a friendly place :)

And you're welcone here too e*m*b 🙂
Message 10 of 29
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