Love & Freedom

Macey Tomlin on Love and Freedom


Does being free make you a better lover? Someone thinks so!




Fun Factor : Now you have a choice in chat, factor that
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Re: Love & Freedom

@softail-joanie wrote:

Macey Tomlin on Love and Freedom


Does being free make you a better lover? Someone thinks so!



What about you Joanie? Are you a better lover for being free to make your choices?

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Re: Love & Freedom


Does being free make you a better lover? Someone thinks so!



There are many levels of freedom, which level are we talking here?


I watched the video. That girl would drive me crazy. After 1 minute I wanted her to shut up, lol. 7 minutes to say a minutes worth of thought.


I read a few comments under the video while she droned on and the best comment....


   The question is: If you depend on someone else in order to feel emotionally free, how emotionally free are you really?

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Re: Love & Freedom

What about you Joanie? Are you a better lover for being free to make your choices?


What makes you think i'm free? I have less freedom that most. The Franklin county sheriffs take everything I work for after raping me, Grove City police don't allow me to shop in stores open to the public, highway patrol don't allow me to ride my bicycle on public roads, I go to jail for being the victim of an attack by teenagers. Doomed to be homeless because of two words that may as well be tattooed on my forehead


Criminal history


Every time they run a background check, thats all it says, but thats enough, no one ever questions it, and no amount of explaining on my part helps. No one wants to believe that police rape, beat, rob, abuse, and abduct me. I was arrested, that constitutes criminal history. I have no 4th amendment, no 2ed, I'm far from free


Fun Factor : Now you have a choice in chat, factor that
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