on 11-07-2013 10:09 AM
I sure hope that all the true labor voters are going to like the new RUDD party and if KDUDD gets his way you will not know the Labor party any more.
It will be the RUDD party.
I do like the true labor party and what it used to stand for but sadly that all went with Gillard and RUDD is going to trash what is left
NO, KEVIN Rudd is not saving Labor. He's smashing what's left and building a new Rudd Party.
That is the key to the brilliant return of President Rudd. You don't like the Opposition? Vote for Rudd.
Oh, you don't like Labor? Vote for Rudd.
And you do like Rudd don't you? See the picture he tweeted yesterday of the cut he got shaving? What a guy! Bleeding for the voters!
And with that mob's backing, Rudd has such control of the Party Formerly Known As Labor that its policies are only what he says they are.
No one in Labor knows whether Rudd plans to keep the deficit to $18 billion or blow it even bigger. No one knows if he'll scrap the carbon tax or slash the public service. Will he spend or save? How will he stop the boats?
It is all for Rudd to decide, and so far he's decided virtually nothing.
But what Labor MPs do know is that they can never remove him for as long as he wins elections. Under new party rules Rudd proposed this week, he will in effect be President for life, with only voters able to throw him out.
Rudd's rules ban Labor MPs from removing any Labor prime minister, except in the almost unimaginable circumstance of 75 per cent of them signing a petition charging him (or her) with bringing the party into disrepute - and even then a ballot of party members could outvote them. Only if a leader loses an election can they be challenged - and then only once.
The changes make Rudd not a Prime Minister but President, bigger than his party. But Labor MPs should ask not just whether Rudd - sacked three years ago for being a "control freak" and "dysfunctional" - can be trusted with such power but also whether Labor can afford to lose the freedom to renew itself in office.
Three of the past four Labor prime ministers - Bob Hawke, Rudd and Julia Gillard - lost their jobs at the hands of a challenger.
At least two of those changes worked. Paul Keating replaced an unfocused Bob Hawke to lead Labor to a famous win. In replacing Gillard, Rudd turned certain rout into possible victory.
Even Rudd's dumping in 2010 worked well enough, with Gillard winning an election Labor had feared was lost. Had Rudd not sabotaged the campaign, Gillard would have won comfortably. But under Rudd's rules, every one of those leadership changes would be banned and today Gillard would be leading Labor to annihilation.
A healthy party could never agree to what Rudd proposes - putting itself in the hands of a man it could never remove while he keeps winning. What if he went mad as Doc Evatt? What if he decided to go Green?
But Labor is crippled. It is now far less popular than Rudd, who has built his return on campaigning as much against his party as the Opposition. In his first ad, released last weekend, he declares: "I believe all Australians are sick and tired of negative politics. I believe people want all of us to raise the standards."
Rudd isn't just attacking Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, but disowning Labor under Gillard - the class war talk, the gender war, the yelling. This week he also attacked the power of Labor's "factional few" and criticised how Gillard replaced Senator Trish Crossin with her "captain's pick" of Nova Peris.
Rudd is running against Labor for the votes of people who left it and against the Opposition for the votes of the rest. So far it's working, with Newspoll having Labor level with the Coalition.
So Rudd will present his proposed power grab as almost a fait accompli at a special caucus meeting on July 22. Labor MPs know if they snub him, they will sign the party's death warrant.
Already faction leaders are swallowing their pride and doubts. Paul Howes, the Australian Workers Union secretary who helped tear down Rudd in 2010, said: "The proposals that Kevin Rudd has put up are smart."
True, unions of the Right will tomorrow discuss whether Rudd is indeed taking too much power, but most Labor MPs will feel forced to concede it to him.
Last year Workplace Minister Bill Shorten, asked if he agreed with PM Gillard, sarcastically replied: "I haven't seen what she said but let me say I support what it is that she said."
Now every other minister must give that answer, too: they haven't yet seen Rudd's policies, but they support whatever he says.
on 11-07-2013 07:19 PM
@freakiness wrote:
@monman12 wrote:
FN appears the most perturbed apropos collective gender terminology, but has in the past used the term " the old boys". I bet I would be castigated (or worse) if I used the term "old girls".
So I will stop/reduce the perceived "sexist digs" if they are considered gender insults, and use some esoteric term instead (if I can think of one).
I have called certain people here "nuts" and "weirdoes" without offence apparently being taken, and so that I might not be amazingly accused again of: "It suiting me when women get the short end of the stick", how do I now refer to a group of, say, Gillard supporters that are not male?nɥºɾ
How about referring to them as women or people?Yes, I did start calling those who keep making sexist comments members of the old boys club when they refused to stop talking down about women with their constant reference to the sisterhood and matriachy or their nasty digs about women in general.It will be a pleasant change if you jump back out of that old boys club. Even more pleasant if others do also.
monman12 please dont change how you post or what you say or your style of posting just because the embittered keep harrassing you as is happeing above. To use your term monman12 the "old girls" (mostly from THE GROUP) want to change all of us and we are not allowed to have our opinion or be ourselves it seems.
So please dont change monman12 just to comply with THEM as most of us enjoy your style and your posts...
on 11-07-2013 07:22 PM
I will stay on theme FN. "people" is out because I want a collective noun for those who are not male, "women"? OK, but boring. Maybe: Ophelia,s, "O, what a noble mind is here o'erthrown", sounds just like a Gillard story with which you would not disagree.
on 11-07-2013 07:33 PM
pct, I can't help but notice that your first sentence doesn't seem to have registered.
on 11-07-2013 07:33 PM
That really is a matter of opinion isn't it?
I don't see much honour around these days, just a mad clamour to to the top of the dung heap using any tactic to achieve that goal.
What I have observed and is very evident that political and gender correctness has been elevated to a place where they do not belong.
Both are used as a weapon against all and sundry.
Instead of embracing the differences between female and male the differences are used against the opposite gender. Some women demand equal treatment and when the get treated as one male would treat another male, and it is not to their likening, they cry foul.
Gillard fell into that category and so do a percentage of matriarchal posters here.
I am thankful to see that there are still some women here who are REAL women.
on 11-07-2013 10:18 PM
@monman12 wrote:I will stay on theme FN. "people" is out because I want a collective noun for those who are not male, "women"? OK, but boring. Maybe: Ophelia,s, "O, what a noble mind is here o'erthrown", sounds just like a Gillard story with which you would not disagree.
What is boring about using women?
Is men equally boring?
We can find an alternative for that too if you prefer.
on 12-07-2013 09:38 AM
The marketplace of outrage is still being kept alive here with interminable c&p's to ram home points of view at the expense of considering anybody else's opinion. Taking offence at lighthearted banter.
Keeping the gender war alive seems to be a ploy to shut down measured & interesting debate that has nothing to do with misogyny (the real meaning of this word is "woman hater") let's not forget that or the disgraceful way it was re interpreted to suit Gillard & her agenda.
This is a sickening result from the Gillard/McTernan years that has been used on here for that period & is still alive & kicking when it should have been dead & buried after the knifing of Gillard & the ousting of McTernan.
The women who stood up & fought for women's liberation are sickened by the actions of the Labor party to divide, as a political ploy, Gillard went along with it, indeed, fostered it at every opportunity. The women in Labor trumpeted her phony warcry.
She did this at the behest of her advisers, her litany of missteps are history now but the bitterness & rancour she engendered amongst the mummy bloggers, gender based hateful web sites & vile comediennes who perpetrate this type of hatred is a result of her actions & hers alone.
She participated willingly, she, who was ushered into parliament by Emily listers, she who knifed Crossin, one of the founding members of Emily's list in Australia.
If this is the path women are willing to take now, then they will bring down all the work of the courageous women who stood up & fought for their rights, not the mindless females of today who see offence in everything & aren't shy about bleating it on every bit of social media they can find.
MM I enjoy your calm & measured posts, keep it up, ignore the phony outrage & offence that is the last resort of some on here who have no clothes.
on 12-07-2013 10:11 AM
Aww, Monman has a fan club.
Or is that a use Monman to attack someone else club?
on 12-07-2013 11:40 AM
thanks for that................not, no need for it.
on 12-07-2013 12:22 PM
@silverfaun wrote:
The marketplace of outrage is still being kept alive here with interminable c&p's to ram home points of view at the expense of considering anybody else's opinion. Taking offence at lighthearted banter.
Keeping the gender war alive seems to be a ploy to shut down measured & interesting debate that has nothing to do with misogyny (the real meaning of this word is "woman hater") let's not forget that or the disgraceful way it was re interpreted to suit Gillard & her agenda.
This is a sickening result from the Gillard/McTernan years that has been used on here for that period & is still alive & kicking when it should have been dead & buried after the knifing of Gillard & the ousting of McTernan.
The women who stood up & fought for women's liberation are sickened by the actions of the Labor party to divide, as a political ploy, Gillard went along with it, indeed, fostered it at every opportunity. The women in Labor trumpeted her phony warcry.
She did this at the behest of her advisers, her litany of missteps are history now but the bitterness & rancour she engendered amongst the mummy bloggers, gender based hateful web sites & vile comediennes who perpetrate this type of hatred is a result of her actions & hers alone.
She participated willingly, she, who was ushered into parliament by Emily listers, she who knifed Crossin, one of the founding members of Emily's list in Australia.
If this is the path women are willing to take now, then they will bring down all the work of the courageous women who stood up & fought for their rights, not the mindless females of today who see offence in everything & aren't shy about bleating it on every bit of social media they can find.
MM I enjoy your calm & measured posts, keep it up, ignore the phony outrage & offence that is the last resort of some on here who have no clothes.
Great post sf. Some thiings go for no good reason & some things stay that shouldn't
on 12-07-2013 12:43 PM
perhaps the Opening Post is an example ?
what are other people's opinions of the pics in the Opening Post ?