Manus Island protesters clash with police

Manus Island protesters clash with police as Christine Forster gets caught in crossfire


the photo makes it look like maybe a policeman might have ripped her jacket, whos to know when you choose to walk through a mob of protesters.


i dont condone violent protesting. if you say someone protesting damaged your jacket dont have a photo of a policeman holding you by that jacket.

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Re: Manus Island protesters clash with police

Community Member

Considering that Liberal party supporters were trying to get into a function and the protesters swarmed around


them you shouldn't be blaming them.

The blame is on the protesters,(most if not all seem to be young people that have nothing better to do than


having a go at someone else like the uni students used too).


The refugees came over illegally and they can go to the other area but they choose not to as a way to try and


get into Aus,(that's what it's all about as where they are now is unsafe and unhygienic but that's fine as it suits


their purpose).


They are all men,(so do any of them have partners?)


They are better of then where they come from and if they aren't happy they could always go back,(maybe


they should be given that alternative?)


I still find it so wrong that everyone/UN claims that it's a humanitarian crises and that everyone should accept


these "refugees" yet they seem to mostly go towards more Christian type of countries.


WHY?,Muslim/Islamic countries are a lot closer to where they fled from yet they have to "escape" to other





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