on 30-05-2013 10:55 PM
on 31-05-2013 10:47 AM
on 31-05-2013 02:31 PM
LOL there's 4:56 of my life I'll never retrieve :^O
These manufactured events seem to happen more often in the USA, is this because there is an over-abundance of nut-jobs there ?
No these are not manufactured events! UFOs are here they are talking with our governments daily. Don't forget before the year 1900 the populations of the earth were lacking technological know how. Look at what has happened since then! The aliens passed some technologies over to government. Quantum flux field is a free-energy source which government wont disclose because it will make oil companies, electrical corporations broke!. Imagine that, free energy and never having to pay for anything.
Watch Dr. Steven Greer on this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifq0BHivado
on 31-05-2013 02:37 PM
LOL pct,
I didn't lose that time because ufo has no credibility -at least not with me.
on 31-05-2013 02:40 PM
they lurk in washingtons halls of power. i've seen proof.
on 31-05-2013 02:40 PM
LOL pct,
I didn't lose that time because ufo has no credibility -at least not with me.
credibility? the technologies we have learnt over the past 100 years were not all inventions. They were given to us. If you don't believe me, listen to what Dr. Greer has to say.
on 31-05-2013 02:48 PM
With respect to your beliefs ufo,
I'll pass on Dr.
on 31-05-2013 02:49 PM
do you think humans invented keyhole surgery?
I can confirm, no we did not!
on 31-05-2013 03:46 PM
You win ufo,
I shall now consign you to Dr, Greer's -bs- basket.
Au revoir.
on 31-05-2013 09:58 PM
It reminds me of the immortal Ed Woods who was known for making the worst movies ever.
In his Plan 9 From Outer Space he had a crew member with a saucer attached by a fishing line to a stick, and to jiggle the stck