'March in March' doesn't offer credible alternatives

Instead of licking its wounds and working on new ideas, the Australian left has focused on tearing the government down. This won’t work


This weekend, protesters will be heading to the streets to participate in March in March across the country. Organisers have said the weekend of protest “signifies the people’s vote of no confidence in policies of the government that go against common principles of humanity, decency, fairness social justice and equity, democratic governance, responsible global citizenship and conserving our natural heritage.”


With the election of Tony Abbott to the lodge, the left seems to have adopted many of the right’s oppositional tactics. There is the same heavy focus on  “lies”, “broken promises” and “secrecy” – a focus on Abbott’s character and not much in the way of presenting new policies. These are linked to similar destabilisation tactics – highlighted by a recent petition which has gained over 60,000 signatures – calling on the governor general to sack the government.


All of this is based on an ongoing claim, yelled very loudly, that the Abbott government is illegitimate due to his apparent reliance on the Murdoch media to get elected. This argument, whilst as weak as Abbott’s claims that the Gillard government was illegitimate, but seem to be just a fervently believed.


Instead of licking our wounds and creating an alternative approach, we have focused on tearing the government down, and using whatever arguments and tactics we can find to do so. After years of hammering Abbott for this brand of politicking, one could ask why the left is following suit – it seems like a rather hypocritical move.


Investigate further though, and you can see that the use of these tactics is a worrying symptom of  a fundamental crisis in politics. Over the past decades the left has lost its social base, leaving it weak as it faces the Abbott government. Union membership is at an all time low, a drop in numbers that is being met with a significant drop in influence. The environment and climate movement is facing similar problems, struggling heavily to deal with recent political realities.

The neoliberal agenda is slowly crushing progressive politics, leaving us stuck with these sorts of attack-based campaigns to beat our opponents.


The crisis represents an overarching general dissatisfaction with politics and politicians, and a strong dislike of our political system and processes. A recent Newspoll survey highlights this really well: on nearly every issue both major parties have gone backwards in recent months, signifying a shift away from any trust of our political leaders. And the left has been just as culpable.


And this is where adopting Abbott’s tactics becomes problematic. In the short term, it seems like a good strategy, but the long term damage will be real. In using this strategy, the left have failed to understand this anti-politics sentiment. We have in fact bought into it - playing an insider game focusing on broken promises, parliamentary tactics and media games, whilst effectively ignoring any real and substantive issues.


A new approach needs to be found. We need to recognise that this dislike of politics is actually a good thing: the rejection of a system that now largely serves the interests of the upper classes. The left now needs to tap directly into this sentiment.


There are plenty of successful examples of this. Russel Brand’s comments last year, for example, struck a chord largely because of his anti-establishment or anti-politics tone. The same can be said for the success of the Occupy movement. A bit closer to home and the climate movement has managed to gain significant momentum recently through going around standard political channels and directly taking on the power of the fossil fuel industry. The asylum seeker movement is also shifting its course - with the successful boycott campaign over the Sydney Biennale growing new energy for the campaign.


These tactics are about tackling the system from a different angle. They’re about challenging the power systems that are stacked up against us, and building a sustainable social base to do so. They are about doing the hard work of rebuilding our social movements, and rebuilding them to take on the systems that underpin our political system.


March in March doesn’t do this. Neither does attacking Abbott’s broken promises, calling for him to be sacked, or claiming his government is illegitimate. We have to do better than this.


From Here


Nothing like a good C&P to sink your teeth into, is there?



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'March in March' doesn't offer credible alternatives


Message 31 of 83
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'March in March' doesn't offer credible alternatives

tell me if you find it. if it breaches community spirit guidelines its already gone though. anyway, i'm sorry if i offend you. it isn't the intention.

Message 32 of 83
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'March in March' doesn't offer credible alternatives

@silverfaun wrote:


  thats right, they arent all unionists and lefties. i don't pretend they won't be there either. i'm not going. i have to finish the 8 hour day monument i'm erecting in the backyard.

Message 33 of 83
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'March in March' doesn't offer credible alternatives

The job of a protest march is to highlight dissatisfaction felt by every day people. It can be specific oor as general as March in March is.


The role of a protest march is not to offer alternatives.

Message 34 of 83
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'March in March' doesn't offer credible alternatives

But what's the point of a protest if you don't have an alternative?


Surely if you want to change a certain condition, you'd have a fair idea of what you want it changed to? Otherwise, what's the point? Otherwise it's just a free-for-all.


If you want Abbott out, who do you want in?





Message 35 of 83
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'March in March' doesn't offer credible alternatives

@icyfroth wrote:

But what's the point of a protest if you don't have an alternative?


Surely if you want to change a certain condition, you'd have a fair idea of what you want it changed to? Otherwise, what's the point? Otherwise it's just a free-for-all.


If you want Abbott out, who do you want in?





People want policy change. Those who started the NBN petition after voting for the LibNats want the govt to continue with the fibre to the premises NBN instead of wasting money on reviews and a second rate network that in all likelihood will end up costing as much if not more and will require powered cabinets, with battery banks, in almost every street.


Others want the govt to keep their commitment on NDIS or Gonski. Others are protesting against the dehumanising or asylum seekers. There are people protesting against the secrecy, jobs for the ex Lib pollies or against the ethics of ministers.


Why not do some research and find out? There is plenty of information online from the groups themselves.  They'd have a better idea thna the clueless writer in the OP.

Message 36 of 83
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'March in March' doesn't offer credible alternatives

It is a lot of union and Labor executive and left social media who are organising this march so to say its a "grass roots uprising" after only " 6 months of a new govt", of everybody including conservatives is the mantra that the left want to put out and is fallacious.


If any conservative voter does march I would bet they are doing it because their friends think it's a trendy thing to do.


We can be sure of one thing, the left wing media will be all over it and the ABC and the other trendoids like the Project and morning TV with the likes of Wilkinson will give it the publicity it doesn't deserve.


But as I said before, if this makes you feel good then do it. Robot wink

Message 37 of 83
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'March in March' doesn't offer credible alternatives

Community Member

The thing that offends me about this  so called  "grass roots: uprising is it is just not true. It is a hate campaign run on social media and to try to give it any credible face they are pushing the "grass roots" line.


If the disappointed want to march put a truthful face on it and call it for what it is.



Message 38 of 83
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'March in March' doesn't offer credible alternatives

You saying it is a lie does not make it so.

You are entitled to your opinion and thatis exactly what it is, just your opinion.

The NBN petitioners have been in contact with me since the day of the election when they thought they could get a change of mind from Turnbull. They are not left leaning at all. They are concerned about the country and the impact on the industry.


You should listen to the source instead of the Libs propaganda machine.

Message 39 of 83
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'March in March' doesn't offer credible alternatives

@freakiness wrote:

@icyfroth wrote:

But what's the point of a protest if you don't have an alternative?


Surely if you want to change a certain condition, you'd have a fair idea of what you want it changed to? Otherwise, what's the point? Otherwise it's just a free-for-all.


If you want Abbott out, who do you want in?





People want policy change. Those who started the NBN petition after voting for the LibNats want the govt to continue with the fibre to the premises NBN instead of wasting money on reviews and a second rate network that in all likelihood will end up costing as much if not more and will require powered cabinets, with battery banks, in almost every street.


Others want the govt to keep their commitment on NDIS or Gonski. Others are protesting against the dehumanising or asylum seekers. There are people protesting against the secrecy, jobs for the ex Lib pollies or against the ethics of ministers.


Why not do some research and find out? There is plenty of information online from the groups themselves.  They'd have a better idea thna the clueless writer in the OP.

So it's all a big free-for-all with no clear-cut singular purpose?


Anyone can protest about any cause they choose to espouse?


Will they have seperate floats and banners like at the Mardi Gras?



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