on 05-05-2014 10:10 PM
on 22-05-2014 01:04 AM
I don't know their names either j*oono.
She was the leader in the past challenge too and her team won I think.
Great communication and time management skills ....... and a great cook too
Plus she is a lovely looking young lady
on 22-05-2014 07:24 AM
on 22-05-2014 10:47 PM
That is so sad. Emily had no ingredients left to cook with apart from a banana. How weird is that? I'd rather eat that than broiled livers from the person with the sideburns. Sorry, told you I was not good with names.
on 26-05-2014 10:49 PM
An interesting show tonight. Scott has gone home and Jamie hung on by the skin of his teeth. I think the judges had already decided with these two.
Scott has been a little bit too lackadaisical throughout the competition and Jamie has more confidence than talent so far. I hope he can improve because he really wants it.
on 26-05-2014 11:15 PM
WOW - they sure have some really difficult tasks set for the eliminations hey?
That dessert was far too complex for me and it is not something I would ever order. Some great flavours I guess but you would have to be a civil engineer to deconstruct it to eat. I would probably get it all down my 'front' lol
Cannot warm to Jamie - I find his self-confidence on the arrogant side and somewhat misplaced - at least to this point.
on 26-05-2014 11:25 PM
Me too Laney, It's hard to know because of editing. I have my favourites for the show.
on 26-05-2014 11:28 PM
Can you remember their names j*oono?
Tash is always bright and positive but that ex-model is great too - I have a few 'preferences' at this stage but then some have not really featured much so it is difficult to decide.
on 26-05-2014 11:30 PM
I'm starting to remember them now. It get's easier as the numbers go down 😄
on 26-05-2014 11:31 PM
The immunity challenge tomorrow night will be good. Looks like it is going to be a huge chilli challenge lol
on 27-05-2014 05:50 AM