on 24-02-2014 10:05 AM
What will come of this?? nothing as usual and the ABC rolls on in it's groupthink left bias that sometimes beggars belief.
Sell it and see where all the luvvies go to to make their own way after sucking on the public teat all their lives at the expense of workers. The bloated salaries of the presenters for doing practically nothing is mind boggling.
In an embarrassing breach of ABC editorial policy, Barry admitted to business media writer Darren Davidson that he did not contact The Australian for comment, despite seeking clarification from Fairfax, The Daily Telegraph and The Daily Mail for his report on the profitability of newspapers.
When asked why he had failed to seek comment from The Australian, Barry said he did not think it was likely the editor-in-chief would respond so he “didn’t bother” — even though Mitchell always responds to Media Watch requests and gave an on-camera interview to former host Jonathon Holmes. When pressed again on why Barry did not at least call the editor-in-chief, he put the phone down on Davidson.
on 24-02-2014 10:21 AM
on 24-02-2014 10:23 AM
Plans to comes before sent. So far it's a plan.
AUSTRALIA’S most experienced editor plans to lodge a complaint with the communications watchdog about the ABC’s Media Watch program’s failure to meet editorial guidelines.
on 24-02-2014 11:38 AM
it might be best to actually watch the show, what is the whining about anyway ? did barry expose the tacky msn again for lying , spreading false and misleading information or breaking the law ? they do it week in and week out.
so sad i can't read the humorously titled "Premium Content '' a page full of cobbled together dribble deserves that lofty description ?
on 24-02-2014 12:44 PM
I don't think he contacted the West Australian or our Sunday Times either - should I be outraged?
on 24-02-2014 12:50 PM
he probably snubbed 'thats life' magazine too the luvvie.
on 24-02-2014 12:53 PM
@lakeland27 wrote:he probably snubbed 'thats life' magazine too the luvvie.
Not to mention Zoo Weekly.