on 14-08-2020 06:59 AM
on 14-08-2020 09:02 PM
@*kazumi* wrote:She was not wearing mask. When asked to put one on she refused. She refused to give her details and started to walk away. When the police tried to arrest her, she fought. Later she claimed she has doctor's certificate excusing her from wearing mask. I bet it was a set up by the girl and her friend.
Have you got evidence of this?
on 14-08-2020 09:06 PM
So is it acceptable by police to retain a woman or any suspect by the throat??
on 14-08-2020 09:52 PM
@joz*garage wrote:So is it acceptable by police to retain a woman or any suspect by the throat??
If the person is resisting arrest and assaulting police, then yes, I think it is acceptable if carried out carefully. Criminals seldom follow rules Joz, and the police can't always be text book perfect when trying to contain a violent person, woman or man.
on 14-08-2020 09:58 PM
How do you know she was violent in the beginning, before the lead up to the video?
on 14-08-2020 10:09 PM
We don't know. But surely we can't condone kicking a police officer while resisting arrest. To do so would support some right of the criminal to be violent towards police in certain circumstances. Until proven otherwise I will assume that the police were just doing their job.
14-08-2020 10:12 PM - edited 14-08-2020 10:13 PM
She had an exemption but chose not to produce it.
As such she obviously decided to make a social media hero out of herself. Which included assaulting a police officer.
Unfortunately for her, she got arrested and didn't get a lot of sympathy.
Do YOU condone this sort of blatant law-breaking?
If so, please provide a detailed response, detailing why breaking laws is reasonable in the circumstances. Including YOUR justification for her being, mask or no mask, way outside the 5km limit.
15-08-2020 08:16 AM - edited 15-08-2020 08:17 AM
@joz*garage wrote:How do you know she was violent in the beginning, before the lead up to the video?
If she had an exemption, why didn't she just say so?
That is the crux of the matter.
She was after manufactured drama, her own dose of reality TV or video.
So of course she escalated things in a sequence of steps.
I'm in Vic, I know plenty of people who have been pulled over for one reason or another. Just the other night my son in law was pulled over at 11.30pm at night, more than 5km from home. No sweat, showed his work pass and was on his way. Police are just doing a job & they don't actually want to be involved in brawls and what have you, the paperwork is horrendous and they don't get to finish their shift on time.
on 15-08-2020 10:39 AM
You people have no soul or empathy, guilty or not we're talking about a male cop strangling a "women", how absurd - unacceptable behaviour IMO
She should have kicked "him" up the nether regions.
on 15-08-2020 10:47 AM
One of the most pathetic constraints I've ever seen, at least she survived it i suppose
on 15-08-2020 11:16 AM
@joz*garage wrote:You people have no soul or empathy, guilty or not we're talking about a male cop strangling a "women", how absurd - unacceptable behaviour IMO
Wow now it's strangling because choking didn't get the response you wanted.
She should have kicked "him" up the nether regions.
SHE tried that on the female officer
which is also against the law.
He was NOT choking her as she was loud and spoke/yelled the ENTIRE time which you can't do if you are being choked.
Choking/strangling involves holding on to. the windpipe to cut off the oxygen supply and at no time did he do that.
The reason he was holding her in that hold is to get her to comply to the law and do as was required and be arrested for the idiot that she is.
It should've been very simple in that she should've stated she had an exemption,shown it and then she would've simply walked away but instead she decided to break the law with the help of her "friends" who probably also knew she had an exemption but also didn't mention it as that would not have caused the drama they wanted.
Most peiople are getting sick and tired of seeing these type of "event" engineered to be put on Facebook and other platforms so they get their few minutes of fame and stuff whoever actually gets hurt by their actions because they simply don't care.