Melbourne Cop chocking and manhandling a girl and arresting her for not wearing a Mask

Warning - contains fowl language...


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Melbourne Cop chocking and manhandling a girl and arresting her for not wearing a Mask



Not much of a snipe if no-one else is playing

Message 101 of 138
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Melbourne Cop chocking and manhandling a girl and arresting her for not wearing a Mask

Great snipe. Singing and displaying birds. - YouTube

Message 102 of 138
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Melbourne Cop chocking and manhandling a girl and arresting her for not wearing a Mask

@joz*garage wrote:

Ahh... Just caught up with the  Police, earning RESPECT! thread


There's another person who agrees with me, kudos to Amber


I got no respect for how those imcompetent cops acted




Don't drag me into this.  I totally DISAGREE with what you have been saying and with how you have been denigrating the police in favour of the despicable publicity hunter and her cowardly 'boyfriend'.


For those who are interested, what I actually said was:


I do agree with you David......but it surprises me that the police are not more careful how they restrain people.  Surely they are trained to do it in a way that doesn't potentially seriously hurt the detainee?


The police might have handled the arrest better but from what I saw, the histrionics carried out by the woman were totally out of proportion and designed to gain sympathy and stir up trouble (maybe she was going for an oscar nomination?)


Message 103 of 138
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Melbourne Cop chocking and manhandling a girl and arresting her for not wearing a Mask

What you said in public can not be unsaid


In essence sentiments exactly Robot tongue regardless of the suspect's poor form

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Message 104 of 138
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Melbourne Cop chocking and manhandling a girl and arresting her for not wearing a Mask

And if you don't want to be dragged into it as you put it, I would suggest not to post your opinions in public LMAO 

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Message 105 of 138
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Melbourne Cop chocking and manhandling a girl and arresting her for not wearing a Mask

You seem to be clutching at straws.


Even after every respondent has proven you wrong, you still keep on about it. With a 100-1 vote against your position, it would seem you are in a very small minority.


Kudos for your flogging of a dead horse, though. That shows either a lack of contact with reality or something else. Bridges.

Message 106 of 138
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Melbourne Cop chocking and manhandling a girl and arresting her for not wearing a Mask

Nobody has proven me wrong



It took 8 cops in the end to restain a little girl



My right to an opinion will always stand, those cops looked like a bunch of idiots.



No matter what you or anybody else say, it won't change that

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Message 107 of 138
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Melbourne Cop chocking and manhandling a girl and arresting her for not wearing a Mask

@joz*garage wrote:

Nobody has proven me wrong



It took 8 cops in the end to restain a little girl



My right to an opinion will always stand, those cops looked like a bunch of idiots.



No matter what you or anybody else say, it won't change that

No, the girl and her squeeze looked like the idiots. 


Oh, I get it now, you're the squeeze behind the camera! It's all making perfect sense now. How did it take over 100 posts in a thread to finally work that out? Slap my head. You need to keep your skank in check Joz. She should be on a leash.


Gold star award goes to Tippy! 


I only came back to see if the chickens had arrived yet.
After all, the OP said there was "fowl language"
I was hoping to see some chickens.
I don't mind if they are alive, or BBQ'd.
Message 108 of 138
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Melbourne Cop chocking and manhandling a girl and arresting her for not wearing a Mask

You have a vivid imagination, Such is fantasy island Smiley Very Happy

Signatures suck.
Message 109 of 138
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Melbourne Cop chocking and manhandling a girl and arresting her for not wearing a Mask

@joz*garage wrote:

You have a vivid imagination, Such is fantasy island Smiley Very Happy

Why thank you, sir.


Still waiting for my gold star....
And the chooks....
Oh what the heck.....
                                                     big gold star.jpg
Message 110 of 138
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