on โ02-01-2013 04:31 PM
If you don't have an A/C like me please post your handy tips for staying cool. ๐
The evening before:
Fill up the icetrays and freeze plastic bottles of water.
Cut up lots of fruit like mangoes and watermelon and leave in the fridge. You won't feel like cooking tomorrow.
Fill up a spray bottle and keep in the fridge.
Close all curtains and blinds before you go to bed.
The day:
Laze around on the sofa and don't use the stove or the oven.
Drink lots of cool water with ice.
When the house starts heating up turn the fans on and place those frozen bottles of water you prepared earlier in a shallow tray in front of the fan.
Wipe down your pets with a cool wash cloth.
Place icecubes in their water bowls.
Place a large damp towel on the floor in front of the fans for your pets to lay on.
Wet a wash cloth/bandana and place that around your neck.
Have lukewarm showers or sit in a lukewarm bath. Wet your hair and if long put it up.
If the temp drops open all the doors and windows. Put a linen or pure cotton bed sheet in the fridge for a couple of hours. Put an icepak on your pillow and move fan into the bedroom and place frozen bottles of water on a shallow tray in front of the fan and direct it on your bed. Place cold sheet on your bed. Jump in the shower and go to bed naked and wet.
on โ02-01-2013 05:48 PM
Stay cool cat, going to be a scorcher
on โ02-01-2013 05:54 PM
Oh how I don't envy you ๐ keep cool everyone... I don't know how you cope any more, I am a refugee from NSW and I had my fill of the heat and bushfires...
Take care everyone
on โ02-01-2013 06:07 PM
Very good suggestions Cat
I'm in the Central Fire district of Victoria, so we cop it even hotter than you, but I now have a/c so I can empathise with you.
Another tip is you can drape a wet towel over a bird cage, but do not put them in front of an a/c (if you have one) as that can be too cold. Make sure they are in the shade and have fresh water at all times. Most birds will love a misting of tap temp water, even my brain damaged rosella loves having a shower on hot days, I will go out every couple of hours to give him a shower.
This website has some very good tips for birds and heatwaves
on โ02-01-2013 06:12 PM
hitting Adelaide too. looks like Saturday is the only decent day:_|
thur 39
fri 42
sat 31
sun 36
mon 41
tue 41
wed 37
on โ02-01-2013 06:26 PM
It also wouldn't hurt to put some containers of water out for wildlife in some shade.
A sign of an animal in heat distress is lethargy and acting like they are drunk.
Oh and for us humans, please remember it is just as dangerous to drink too much water than it is to not drink enough
on โ02-01-2013 06:30 PM
Fill up your bird baths too.
on โ02-01-2013 06:37 PM
I don't have aircon so those are all good ideas. .
Another thing I do for my dogs in a hot house is drape a wet
cloth over them while they're laying around.
And re walking the dogs if you do, apart from the hot air, beware of the hot pavements that burn their paws. .
on โ02-01-2013 07:11 PM
Fingers crossrd that we don't get any major bushfires this time round
on โ02-01-2013 08:04 PM
I am dreading the next few days.
Already a grass fire this afternoon in the street above us in The Dandenongs.
Most of around where our house is green still, but there is alot of bush around our house as well.