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Forum Posts

The cool change has just come through here

NSW Far South Coast. What a relief. It must have dropped at lease 10 degrees. Perfect timing too. We had just gone to the beach for a swim to cool off and then it happened just as we were having a coldy in the backyard. Now if could just manage some ...

She has GUTS.

W O W ! She Did It Again!!! Australia says NO -- This will be the second Time Julia Gillard has done this!... She sure isn't backing down on her hard line stance and one has to appreciate her belief in the rights of her native countrymen. A breath of...

I cannot believe it,

but there was an ambulance officer on the ABC a short time ago and talking of the high incidence of children locked in cars over these past few days... What goes on in these parents' minds?

Melbourne people brace yourselves for the heatwave

If you don't have an A/C like me please post your handy tips for staying cool. The evening before: Fill up the icetrays and freeze plastic bottles of water. Cut up lots of fruit like mangoes and watermelon and leave in the fridge. You won't feel like...

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Weather Forecast

Our lastest forecast was Possible thunderstorms with little chance of the rain falling to the earth.

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Fire Info and updates

My thoughts are with everyone in Tasmania (which currently is being covered and updated ). People in other fire risk areas please keep informed and stay safe

Good for JOE

For those not familiar with Joe Arpio, he is the County Sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona. He keeps getting re-elected over and over again.These are some o...f the reasons why:Sheriff Joe Arpaio created the "tent city jail" to save Arizona from spe...

'This will show them'

PAEDOPHILE Dennis Ferguson chose to end his own life by suddenly stopping his diabetes medication, telling supporters he blamed police for making his life a living hell. "This will show them," Australia's most notorious sex offender said in the days ...

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i swear my knee's bent! i have no idea, but i swear my knees bent on a angle a bit, even though i have it raised a tad

So is it time

that we all stopped commenting or passing judgement on posts or threads that we don't like? eBay is a large and diverse community, There are always going to be some that like some things and some that don't. So, as long as the post/thread is within e...

Video to digital? Ideas please?

I have a tiny piece (only a few seconds) on video that I really want, for sentimental reasons, to convert to digital format to conserve it. Does anyone have any, cost effective, ideas if how I can do it/get it done? I don't have a DVD recorder.