on 25-02-2014 12:56 AM
Let;s see how we go.
on 14-03-2014 10:18 AM
Morning everyone. A quiet day for me away from CS. Be kind and please keep this thread on track.
on 14-03-2014 10:38 AM
@lloydslights wrote:Good morning Izabsmiling. And everyone else reading this thread.
I actually agree that bullying can lead to anxiety, and to anyone with a pre-existing depression it can be even more devastating to experience.
Thinking back to last evening(and due to my own depression) I may have been putting myself in your situation and wanted it to all stop; especially when you mentioned a heart condition. I wanted everyone to stand back for awhile. And I was too "chicken" to front up.
As I recall, during the "to-ing and fro-ing" there were certainly others who tried to ease the situation that arose.
I will pm you, when I gather my words in some semblance of order, in regard to cyberbullying which may assist your input to the conference.
Hello Deb and thanks
I do hope that you and everyone here has the best day that they possibly can .
I probably am not going to word this to everyone's satisfaction I know.I will do my best.
I advocate strongly for Mental Illness awareness in RL ..I know how important it is for so many people.I have experienced and do experience the areas of need as do all of my family.
As some posters will already be aware I have an adult son who has an intellectual disability and suffers from (as does all who love him) mental illness .He had a very long acute involuntary admission over Christmas and was a missing person from acute care over the New Year.Absolutely horrible and as it seemed a missing psych patient isn't a top priority ...hearing about other missing people being searched for on tv ...made us feel that he and his life were seen as having less value... and that there is a failure to care and protect him and the wider community. I can't at this time say more than that about the whole experience ...when I and if am permitted to I will . This son whom I care for and advocate for ..whom I so wish I could make well ,,,so often attacks with hurtful words,threats,intimidation and sometimes physical injury.Kind of like caring and being the victim of domestic violence for doing just that which is needed.I don't want thanks...but the hurt given out on top of how I love and care about him...is incredibly hard at times,
At the moment my 18year old has been diagnosed with depression.
Impact of those things on my family,their friends and loved ones is huge and as it goes it isn't something most people in our everyday life want to hear about when they ask How we are .
Most things go unsaid as many here may know and some may even avoid contact with others because people do ask How are things with you and your family ....saying 'all good thanks..how are yours" ..gets a difficult at times but then so does seeing other people's reactions if you do actually say...even if I tell them about what is, to us a good day.To others it can be to out of their comfort zone and idea of how things should be.
The biggest hurt for me is when I see something I feel so strongly about and am personally involved with and do all I can to advocate on behalf of others (which can get draining), not just myself and my family ...set back rather than take a positive step forward which we know is needed and wanted.I don't ask and advocate for support and improvements for me...though the fact is that I too am human.
Anyone hurling psych terms at others to insult...make the very issue a negative one imo...which is not want is wanted is it ?
At the moment I cant give give much to others as I would like to.....doing so for so many years has worn me down .
I will try to speak up when someone/anyone/a group of people an issue I feel strongly about is or could be being hurt.If I can prevent hurt and pain I will try.I can't do otherwise.
As far as anyone health or anything else going on in their lives ..no one knows it all about any of us and other posters shouldn't need to know should they ?
treat others as they would like others to treat them as in the Community Spirit values sounds the best way to go
I've just remembered a gp's appointment .
It might be best if you contact and pass on your input into the conference personally.. I think .
Best Wishes to all here and looking in
on 14-03-2014 11:07 AM
Iza [[hugs]].
on 14-03-2014 12:54 PM
My thoughts are with you and your brother, Freddie. Huge hugs ♥
Good to see you posting, Iza. I mean that.
As a mum, I can identify with much of what you have said.
My DD did a runner from the hospital too, only hours off the telementry, ripped out her naso gastric tube, ran, jumped on a Greyhound bus and ended up 6 hours away. Those 48 hours were the worst ever, the not knowing - the knowing how unstable she was both medically and mentally, I've never been so wrung out and distraught in my life.
Warm hugs to all ♥
on 14-03-2014 01:22 PM
I saw this on FaceBook today.I thought I would share it here.
on 14-03-2014 02:11 PM
(((Iza))) sorry to read things are so tough for you and your family.. I hope they improve and you get support from health professionals.
I dont know what was posted yesterday and what caused the upset.
I know that this thread does support those who are here, whether they post or read.
Warm thoughts to those who visit.
on 14-03-2014 05:10 PM
I did my best with this thread but now I need to walk away from it for my own state of mind. If you want the thread removed, let me know, and I'll do it.
on 14-03-2014 05:24 PM
((((HUGS)))), Bluecat, hope you are okay?
on 14-03-2014 06:10 PM
This quote usually helps me to see things from a different perspective when I find myself being anxious.
on 14-03-2014 08:40 PM
(((bluecat*))) I hope you are OK