on 17-10-2014 09:55 AM
Mia Freedman criticised for comparing gay people to paedophiles
and she did this on NATIONAL TV
SO let the OUTRAGE begin over Mia Freedman and her comments
on 17-10-2014 09:59 AM
who is she?
on 17-10-2014 10:01 AM
@azureline** wrote:who is she?
on 17-10-2014 10:02 AM
A nobody who thinks she is somebody.
Obviously someone who the OP follows
on 17-10-2014 10:03 AM
Mia Freedman is the "mommy blogger" Gillard had to the lodge and the only person she met whilst "meeting the people" of western sydney when she did the "Rooty Hill Sleepover" what a joke Gillard was and we are reminded of that every time she peeps over the pamparts to put her foot in her mouth.
on 17-10-2014 10:06 AM
Cleo huh?? I wonder if she knows Sharri Markson? now the media editor for the Australian
on 17-10-2014 10:09 AM
I'm appalled that she has the mind set to say this. She said it so she thinks it, what a disgrace and a phony. Her social media and her blog site is inumdated with the people she insulted and I don't blame them.
Surely we have moved on from this mind set, surely we can see our gay friends and relatives, our loved ones, as valuable members of our society the same all society and not to be compared to child rapists and peds.
on 17-10-2014 10:12 AM
its not like her to say something like that.
has she responded? explained?
on 17-10-2014 10:15 AM
While speaking about the idea of a national paedophile register, the former magazine editor and commentator said she supported the idea, drawing a link between paedophilia and homosexuality.
“We accept that gay people can’t change who they love and they’re sexually attracted to”, she said on the live program, “so why do we think that people who are sexually attracted to children can be rehabilitated?
“Name and shame them. I want to know where they are.”
Seriously??? that is not drawing a link between the 2.
I am not sure where the objectors learned English and comprehension but to me that clearly draws the analogy that if someone is gay, they can't change.
If a pedophile is attracted to children, they can't change either....................... we know that to be true.
I don't want anyone to know where they are, I want everyone to be aware that ANYBODY might be a danger to their children and act accordingly.
on 17-10-2014 10:17 AM