
Good morning all,


I have some sad news to pass on this morning. I received a message from misslinda`s daughter to say that she

had passed away  yesterday to a very severe infection.

May she R.I.P

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Re: Misslinda

Community Member

I am very sorry, papermoon. Very sad news. Take your time to process your grief. 🌷

I don't think I knew misslinda, but she seemed to be a great person, and I am very sorry for her too.


Message 11 of 12
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Re: Misslinda

papermoon.lady I am so sorry to read that your mum died on the same day as misslinda..


May I ask if she was ill?


My condolences go to you and your family🌹 And may she R.I.P

Message 12 of 12
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