Murdoch trollumnists and court jesters


When I ask people why they buy Murdoch papers and subscribe to Murdoch TV and spend all day analysing Murdoch trollumnists and court jesters they will at some point say “Know Thy Enemy”. Just exactly what they learn about thy enemy from the movie packages and sporting channels I do not know.


However, so that you never need to purchase another Murdoch product and further fund his propaganda machine, I have summed up the Right-wing in one word and three easy sentences. It will explain their motivation and predict their next moves.


What is the one word that explains everything about the Right, what they do, what they have done, what they will do?


1 Word



Now for the three sentences that expand on that a little.


Sentence 1

Their greed is unlimited, they wanted everything, all the money, assets, resources, and all the power; in order for them to have everything, you must have nothing.


Maybe I need a longer sentence.


Sentence 2

Everything every Right-wing government and corporation has ever done is about transferring wealth from the poor to the rich (themselves), they will reduce your wages and spending power in order to concentrate the wealth, power, and assets in the hands of the few, and when you have nothing and your wages are $2 a day you will have no ability to defend your rights and assets (private or community) as they are ripped away and given to the already rich.

‘But,’ you say, ‘why would Abbott and his ‘boche’ government do this, the Australian economy was one of the best in the world under the ALP government’.


Sentence 3

Your enemy does not care about you or want what is best for you or Australia, and they never will; the sick will die, the poor will starve, the old will freeze, austerity suicides will rise, and they will never care about you, you are nothing to them, except for your cheap labour and the taxes you will pay to fund their parasitic lifestyle, and they will do and say anything to maintain their wealth, power and assets, and to achieve this they will deliberate crashing the economy means they can bring in austerity which will slash your wages, increase your taxes, and remove your services.


There you go, now you know Your enemy.


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Re: Murdoch trollumnists and court jesters

Open-minded people around the earth are experiencing an awakening to the domination of the evil illuminati. As evil government agencies and spinoff organizations develop its electronic wizardry dominating techniques, in addition to “cleaning up” to initiate the New World Order, the fabrication of “problems” clearly is identified by the opened-minded individual. Recognizing the evil intent of the world leaders, there should be no doubt that there is a powerful hidden source that controls world events, economy, the media, and agenda of the world governments.

Message 2 of 31
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Re: Murdoch trollumnists and court jesters

What's a trollumnist?

Message 3 of 31
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Re: Murdoch trollumnists and court jesters


Message 4 of 31
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Re: Murdoch trollumnists and court jesters

who or  what is running us and our Country?

Stand up Australia 

Message 5 of 31
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Re: Murdoch trollumnists and court jesters

@secondhand-wonderland wrote:

What's a trollumnist?

from Crikey - Independent Media Independent Minds


Jason Wilson at New Matilda on columnists who write deliberately inflammatory, trolling drivel, knowing it’ll drive hits on their websites and advertising dollars for their bosses – or, as he calls them, “trollumnists“.


Whereas a true columnist might make controversial arguments or challenge common sense, trollumnists merely provoke outrage in order to sell papers, draw links and capture increasingly scarce reader attention. The beauty of it all is that it doesn’t take much training to do it, and as media content goes, it’s cheap as chips. Any fool can offend people given a reasonably prominent platform.

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Re: Murdoch trollumnists and court jesters

sometimes referred to as ...trigger fingers

Message 7 of 31
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Re: Murdoch trollumnists and court jesters

Oh right, thanks for that 🙂

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Re: Murdoch trollumnists and court jesters

reply to izab:

who or  what is running us and our Country?

Stand up Australia


WHO will really be running Australia in 2014?

No, there’s no surprise election; as far as I know the Abbott Government will continue to hold office. But what we have come to understand is that its approach to governing is not policy based.

It is not embracing leadership through robust community engagement. There is no discussion of how it plans to improve lives and protect jobs. Instead, the opportunity to lead has been outsourced to big business in the form of a large number of reviews – more than 40, in fact.

This year we will see the result of many of these reviews and they will be a major influence on the Abbott Government’s decisions.

Anyone who calls Australia home and plans to live, work and retire here; anyone who wants to use the hospitals, send their children to the schools, and who cares about the direction our nation is heading can’t afford to ignore the reality that our government is seeking the advice of only one narrow section of society.

Vested interests

For example, Tony Shepherd from the Business Council of Australia will oversee one of the biggest reviews, the Commission of Audit. This task will have far-reaching consequences and require the council’s business leaders to assess the role and scope of government, to recommend changes and advise on how taxpayer money should be spent. Ideas already floated include the $6 co-payment for doctor visits.

Considering Mr Shepherd’s vested interests, it is likely the commission will be recommending policies that promote privatisation and small government. Shifting services away from government (under the banner of “cost savings”) will bring big changes in the way Australia is run.

Privatisation of government services would be as detrimental an outcome in Australia as it was recently in Britain when the Conservative Government implemented this same policy. The emphasis on cost over need and on small government over big will see rising unemployment, fewer services and much regret.

Mr Shepherd will be unlikely to ask: What do Australians need their taxes spent on? How can we make lives better? What can we do to promote jobs and equality? He is a bottom-line, profit-driven man.

The opportunity [for the Government] to lead has been outsourced to big business.

Another Coalition favourite is the Productivity Commission, which will be advising the Government on more than half a dozen reviews. These include the car industry, childcare, and the Fair Work Act.

The Government, as per its modus operandi, did not take a firm grip of the leadership wheel and respond with the required urgency to save Holden. It handed over the decision-making job to the Productivity Commission and it’s hard to know what it could do for the car industry at this late stage.

And what will it recommend for low-paid childcare workers, families struggling with costs, or the review of the Fair Work Act, which is charged with protecting workers’ rights and ensuring a fair system? I’m not optimistic.

Workers are likely to bear the brunt. Putting the Productivity Commission in charge is a transparent shift of power to an organisation likely to spend little time talking about improving lives and much more focusing on cutting costs to business.

And the stupefying aspect of all this is that a review sounds so prudent. The public could be forgiven for thinking that a meeting of minds is a safe way to ensure the Government receives advice to make the best decisions for Australia’s future. But if the minds who are meeting are all vested interests, and unconcerned with the wellbeing of workers and families, then the review might as well not take place at all.

A facade of fairness

In fact, why doesn’t the Government take ownership of its own agenda – made obvious by the choice of reviewers – instead of creating a facade of fairness through analysis?

The Productivity Commission recently suggested that a solution to Australia’s ballooning ageing population was to make 65-year-olds work another five years. There was nothing about superannuation reform. Nothing about the contribution of government and business towards solving the problems of a demographic that benefited them when it was of working age and paying tax. Older Australians are already struggling to find employment. Some, as young as 50, are forced into casual work as job security moves further out of reach.

The Productivity Commission failed in its deliberations to consider that there are 140,000 unemployed Australians aged between 50 and 64 receiving the Newstart allowance from Centrelink. Are they suggesting that 65 to 70-year-olds should join the queue . . . or start delivering pizza?

I won’t go through every review, but I cannot finish without mentioning the selection of Andrew Forrest to oversee the review of Indigenous training and employment.

Mr Forrest is one of the richest men in Australia. His appointment to lead the review for Indigenous workers should raise eyebrows.

True to the nature of the Government’s approach, it has chosen a big-business leader to make decisions for people who live in a very different world to him while dismissing the opinions of the rest of society.

This article first appeared in The Sunday Age on 19 January 2014



..............almost like watching a play, act by act, isn't it?

Message 9 of 31
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Re: Murdoch trollumnists and court jesters

Dominating as a “Plutonomy”.

Since 1991, the clear evidence that the banking/corporate giants will dominate as a “Plutonomy” is unmistakable for anyone who researches the subject with the intention of seeking the truth.

Both sides of the right and the left are playing the same game; the perception of opponents is a delusional cognizance.

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