Muslims Against Peppa Pig: Facebook Campaign Launched to Ban Popular Cartoon

Community Member

When does it ever stop.   If they dont like the show turn the TV off and stop pushing their views onto the larger population


Muslims Against Peppa Pig: Facebook Campaign Launched to Ban Popular Cartoon


Children's TV's favourite cartoon pig could soon be axed after a British Muslim father launched an online campaign to have Peppa Pig banned.


Facebook page Muslims against Peppa Pig has already garnered nearly 2,500 followers. A petition, pushing for the show to be pulled from children's TV, has also been set up.


According to Zayn Sheikh, the man behind the drive, the 'haram' character is preventing young children from developing into good Muslims. He says he took action after his young son declared he want to be a pig rather than a doctor.


"For us Muslims it is very important that we do not eat meat of the pork," Sheikh from Bradford said in a video posted on the Facebook page.


"It is completely wrong that our kids are being shown these things on TV,"


He goes on to suggest that the 'abominable creature' should be replaced with an 'Abdullah the Cat' cartoon.


"Children still need cartoons to develop their minds. I propose we introduce Abdullah the cat. I think that if we had a good Muslim cartoon then our children would be better Muslims."


Although it is clear whether this a parody, thousands of people have since leapt to Peppa Pig's defence, claiming "Muslim fanatics" were taking things too far.


"I'm sorry I am Muslim and really do not see the problem with Peppa Pig at all. My children watch it and will soon grow out of it, it isn't like there is a pig on screen saying eat me," one critic said.


Meanwhile, the Muslim Council of Britain said Sheikh's views were not shared by the majority of mainstream Muslims.


"Anecdotally, we know of many Muslim children who watch the show for its entertainment value," a spokesman said.


"Those who do have issues with this can simply refrain from watching the show and purchasing Peppa Pig memorabilia."

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Muslims Against Peppa Pig: Facebook Campaign Launched to Ban Popular Cartoon

It is a little odd, I know but I'm on a bender of this song today and the message just fits in with my attempt at a lighthearted reply...


Plus I've only just learnt how to post a video here, cos i'm still a noob here really... 


I dont know if Nero knew or not, she claims that she did so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and believe her... 

View solution in original post

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Muslims Against Peppa Pig: Facebook Campaign Launched to Ban Popular Cartoon

LOL  I love these spoofs; they are so funny and even funnier is that some people fall for them.


By the way, I thought it was Bolte who wanted Peppa banned.


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 2 of 35
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Muslims Against Peppa Pig: Facebook Campaign Launched to Ban Popular Cartoon

@***super_nova*** wrote:

LOL  I love these spoofs; they are so funny and even funnier is that some people fall for them.


By the way, I thought it was Bolte who wanted Peppa banned.

It is rather amusing.  How long before Bolt changes his mind about Peppa when he finds out there are Muslims on his side?  :D:D

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Muslims Against Peppa Pig: Facebook Campaign Launched to Ban Popular Cartoon

So you're saying that this isn't true Super?  Is it just taking the p*** or what?



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Muslims Against Peppa Pig: Facebook Campaign Launched to Ban Popular Cartoon

Peppa wears a red dress..... she must be a communist.

"High and low pressure systems cause the day-to-day changes in our weather." ...Metoffice.......

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Muslims Against Peppa Pig: Facebook Campaign Launched to Ban Popular Cartoon


Children's global TV sensation Peppa Pig has been used by pranksters for an elaborate 'haram pig' hoax which apparently took in the Muslim Council of Britain. The jokers created a hate-filled Facebook group and petition calling on authorities to ban the show over accusations that the central character is Haram (meaning unclean) and therefore not suitable for Muslim youth.
The Facebook group 'Muslims Against Peppa Pig' appears to have enjoyed steady growth over the past fortnight, reaching 3,500 likes by yesterday evening. When news about the bizarre rants posted on the page began to spread, interest from Peppa Pig supporters spiked and the page was flooded with posts from users opposed to the ban.
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Muslims Against Peppa Pig: Facebook Campaign Launched to Ban Popular Cartoon

December 2013

Piers Akerman on dangerous ground with Peppa Pig

........But on Friday, News Corp's Piers Akerman opened up a radical new front. He got The Pig involved.

The column started as a perfectly ordinary light-to-medium ABC-gumming on the usual theme of organisational leftist propaganda and generalised wickedness. But then, this: "Even the cartoon character Peppa Pig pushes a weird feminist line that would be closer to the hearts of Labor's Handbag Hit Squad than the preschool audience it is aimed at."

This is a serious allegation. Of all the programs watched on the ABC's iView platform, Peppa Pig is the most popular by a long straw. Between January and November this year, the show was watched 25 million times. That is correct, 25 million times; impressive, even when you factor in the possibility that several million of those might have been Mr Akerman, monitoring the cartoon piglet round the clock for signs of latent man-hate.

So that's a lot of weird feminist mind-bending going on. Thank goodness someone has finally put the pieces together; Peppa's ungirlish love of puddle-jumping, her casual insubordination to her father ("Oh dear. Daddy Pig is too fat to squeeze into the cubby house!"), and the sinister presence of Miss Rabbit, who has about a hundred jobs, is unmarried, and sometimes babysits for her sister, Mrs Rabbit. Mrs Rabbit has only four children, which for a rabbit seems so suspiciously low a count that she might just as well be a brand ambassador for birth control.

For the record, Peppa is demonstrably apolitical in the formal party sense. In 2010, she pulled out of a guest appearance at a British Labour campaign event, prompting this immortal comment from the office of the then prime minister, Gordon Brown: "He understands that Peppa has a very busy schedule and so couldn't make it".

Read more:
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Muslims Against Peppa Pig: Facebook Campaign Launched to Ban Popular Cartoon

Thank you for that Am.  


I have nothing really further to say on the topic other than; wartime propaganda knows no bounds...

Message 8 of 35
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Muslims Against Peppa Pig: Facebook Campaign Launched to Ban Popular Cartoon

@***super_nova*** wrote:

LOL  I love these spoofs; they are so funny and even funnier is that some people fall for them.


true!! LOL


reminds me of this one someone posted here  recently:



Apologies for the scroller, but I was so gobsmacked when I read this I had to check with snopes to make sure it wasn't a hoax.


TULSA, Okla. – Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin and other Republican lawmakers have called for the elimination of a plan that would tax businesses within the state in order to pay for tornado shelters to be placed in schools to protect children. They say the tax is an unnecessary burden on Oklahoma businesses,and that creating shelters specifically to protect children is an attempt to thwart God’s will.


After seven children died in 2013 from a series of tornados, Democratic State Representative Joe Dorman put forward a plan that would have reinstated a program taxing corporations $1.25 for every $1,000 they invested in the state. The money, expected to total close to $40 million annually, would then have been used to build tornado shelters at Oklahoma schools.

Republican leaders, however, were quick to put a stop to the plan. “Just adding on a new tax burden on Oklahomans is not the answer. If God sends a tornado to demolish a school, I’m sure He has a good reason. It is not our place to ask questions, nor to try and protect those children He has chosen to kill.”


Parent groups pushing for the shelters have tried to collect the 155,000 signatures needed to put the question on the ballot, but have had difficulty getting enough signatures after Republican Attorney General Scott Pruitt forced changes to the wording of the measure.


“I felt it was important for the measure to state that taxing corporations in order to build tornado shelters is not a Biblical-based idea,” said Pruitt. “I was afraid that citizens would think God sanctioned saving those children’s lives. The truth is if God wanted those children to live, then he wouldn’t kill them. I think that’s pretty obvious.”


“I would say just by suggesting we take measures to save the lives of those God has damned is pretty darned presumptuous,” said Governor Fallin. “He has a plan for us all, and you better be damned sure it does not involve raising the corporate tax rate.”




turned out to be a hoax of course LOL

Message 9 of 35
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Muslims Against Peppa Pig: Facebook Campaign Launched to Ban Popular Cartoon

Yes, that was funny. That whole site is a hybrid News/Satire platform.

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