My Mums update thread

This thread is dedicated to my Mother and her recovery.


On Monday the 4th June 2007, while holidaying in the UK with my Father, my Mother was struck by a van while crossing the road.

Mum spent 88 days in various UK hospitals before finally being brought home back to Australia on the 30th August 2007.

She is currently in The John Whittle Nursing Facility with brain damage

I have set up this thread to keep you all updated on her condition and her improvements and hopefully one day, Mum will be able to read it.
 photo walkingdeadtag_zpsbaca2fdd.jpg
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Re: My Mums update thread

Community Member
Amy...its me Foley...I'm back in Louisiana now...I hope you are taking care of yourself...your Mum seems to have had some set backs...know that y'all have been in my thoughts these months I've been's been difficult for you and your family...and...all I can say to you now are are wonderful daughter...keep the thought that your Mum knows how wonderful you are even tho she cannot express her thought to you...
Peace and Blessings...Sylvia
Message 241 of 1,616
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Re: My Mums update thread

Sylvia, its so good to see you back.
I was worried about you and wondering where you had got to.

happyroo- i just dont have it in me anymore to talk to anyone, apart from in here.
 photo walkingdeadtag_zpsbaca2fdd.jpg
Message 242 of 1,616
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Re: My Mums update thread

Amy, you know how much D and I care and you know our age group.

Your Mum has been brain dead for weeks, you know that.

Hang in there Lady, trying to cope when other people can't/wont see it hurts like hell

Message 243 of 1,616
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Re: My Mums update thread

> happyroo- i just dont have it in me anymore to talk to anyone, apart from in here.

You keep on talking in here, if it helps. :-x
Message 244 of 1,616
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Re: My Mums update thread

Hi Amy. I have been reading your thread as you have been updating it.

I was wondering who does your mum's Nightwear and stuff that she needs?

Does your dad have to do that or does the nursing home take care of that?

You mentioned that they have put your mum on the outpatients list.

Does that mean your dad has to take her home or can she still stay there?
Message 245 of 1,616
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Re: My Mums update thread

Hi Grace,
The nursing home wash Mums nightgowns.

Mum has been put on the outpatients list for Lourdes Hospital (The brain injury unit in Dubbo). but she stays at the Nursing Home as thats a different facility.
I dont really know what it means thats shes been made an outpatient of the BIU. I mean she was never admitted to there as they always said she was not well enough for it.
I guess it means they wont bother checking up on her condition anymore....not that they did that much anyway
 photo walkingdeadtag_zpsbaca2fdd.jpg
Message 246 of 1,616
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Re: My Mums update thread

That really does sound like they are washing their hands of her to a certain extent, doesn't it?:-(

I can understand how you are feeling.

It must be dreadfully hard for you now.

I think you know best from your mum's response (or lack of) to you how your mum is.

I know your mum is still living but if the essential part that made your mum who she was is gone, that can be very hard to deal with.

It is so much harder for you being so far away and a phone call is so inadequate for you because you can't see for yourself if there are small signs of response from her.

I really feel for you Amy.

I just wanted to let you know, if there is ever anything I can do for know where I am... I would be happy to if I am able.

(((Hugs)) to you and yours.
Message 247 of 1,616
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Re: My Mums update thread

Community Member have been through a lot of ups and downs...take care of are doing all you can to support your Mum and Dad...I do hope that you can feel proud of are a great daughter...
Message 248 of 1,616
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Re: My Mums update thread

Spoke to Dad last night.
No changes in Mum.
He was still a bit down as the lady in the room next to Mum died last weekend.

He has had to have his car in for repairs this week. It went in on Tuesday, so to get up to Mum everyday, he has walked.
Its a long walk. Takes him and hour and a half.

My sister drops him home after she finishes work.
She rang me last night as well.
She says she has found it really depressing dropping dad home at night and watching him go into the dark house alone.
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Message 249 of 1,616
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Re: My Mums update thread

spoke to mum on the phone last night.
i put Mr 5 on and he started talking about his birthday which is in 2 weeks.
I thought that mighyt upset her as he turns 6 and she hasnt seen him since he was 3 years old.
Nothing, not a noise
 photo walkingdeadtag_zpsbaca2fdd.jpg
Message 250 of 1,616
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