My day

After several hours during the week clearing and cleaning up a messy garden my day started like this before and after 002.JPG

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Re: My day

Petunas are so pretty and flower for ages, will look so pretty  🙂  What do you use for Aphids Freddie? I have a zillion roses here, which are now all coming back into leaf, so I guess I better start watching them




Sweetpeas are easy, they just take care of themselves

Message 171 of 6,720
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Re: My day

Yes, Bushies, I agree sweet peas are easy. Pop the seed in the ground and forget. Except if you have to make a trellis for them, LOL. They are one of my favourite flowers because they look pretty, smell nice and make a fine display in a vase.

I'm not Freddie, but when I used to have roses, I used a bit of washing up liquid diluted with water to spray on the aphids. Shake as you spray 🙂
Message 172 of 6,720
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Re: My day

Bushy I have a spray in the cupboard, I will go get it >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ok it's in a litre spray container and called "beat-A-bug" it's a natural based spray 2 in 1 product protects and feeds it's Natural Garlic and Chilli it's also safe for use on edible crops it's from Richgro.


I love sweet peas they have the most gorgeous scent, but my pebble gardens arn't really for trellis plants, i'm happy just to have easy care no fuss potted plants now.

Message 173 of 6,720
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Re: My day

My mower woman and the whipper snipper man are coming today 🙂

The pool man is coming Monday. 🙂

I really really really wanted to go to Warwick today for the Airing of The Quilts......................but that is apparently not on the agenda but........... I have made arrangements to go next year with a friend.

I have just had bacon and eggs with mayo on a bagel, now for coffee and a bit of reading.

Message 174 of 6,720
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Re: My day

Re roses Katy, that's what I (late) mother ) used to do, always worked for her..... I have around 50 or so roses planted so have to make sure I stay on top of the "bugs"


I planted sweetpea seedlings in winter and survived the frosts we get here, now they are really powering, show how tough they are lol






Message 175 of 6,720
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Re: My day

I have a theory that the bigger the seed, the tougher the plant 🙂

Oh, and I love the way sweet peas self-sow.

Another plant I want to grow that needs a trellis is a passion fruit vine. I hate the fruit, but LOVE the flowers.

Message 176 of 6,720
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Re: My day

Meant to ask ... is that water next to your garden, Bushies?
Message 177 of 6,720
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Re: My day





Message 178 of 6,720
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Re: My day

Hope to save the seeds from mine this season Katy .... Yup it's a channel that flows down to the lake, to stop flooding
Message 179 of 6,720
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Re: My day

Thanks Freddie, have written it down .... I said the same when we bought this place, only potted plants BUT somehow it changed lol
Message 180 of 6,720
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