My gorgeous kiwi pirate

Community Member

has officially left for other shores.....  


It's been the most bittersweet weekend for me....I'm going to miss him terribly 😞


I can honestly say he has been the most amazing person that has ever come into my life....gorgeous, sexy, honourable and above all sensitive.  

I have made a lifelong friend but by golly.....what will I do without him ?? 

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night."
Message 1 of 31
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My gorgeous kiwi pirate


Who could ever forget PP?  I can't as I have one of my cats dressed in a doggy coat I bought from Pink about 6 years ago, a rainbow metallic number.  Also got a hot pink plus a neon green one from Pink.  Cats are so funny, as soon as I put their coats on, they drop down so their tummies graze the floor and slink along.  Must be a cat thing cause 3 out of my 4 cats do it.  Gotta laugh every time.


I am trying to remember your daughters name, Lucinda?  I used to be Hihoherewego.   A long time ago. 

Message 21 of 31
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My gorgeous kiwi pirate

Community Member

just me karen - maybe, maybe not.  Also possible someone guessed but I never saw the thread that it was on, cause I didn't go back and check it.


I have a small, white, fluffy dog, whose spirit name is "White Cloud".  He is also referred to by my daughter as "My Precious" (LOTR's fan).  His name is Fred.  He is also referred to as Ed, and Edrick.

Message 22 of 31
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My gorgeous kiwi pirate

Its not p.

Message 23 of 31
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My gorgeous kiwi pirate

Community Member

I did used to have some other dogs, and sadly, my brother took one when he moved out and the other went to heaven in 2011. 


Our new dog is also training to be a medical companion dog for my daughter.  Sadly, his brain capacity is VERY limited.  He is a lovely, sweetheart, darling little thing.  But he just doesn't "get" training real well. 


When he was a tiny pup I took him to dog school with a correction collar (Believe me I am not rough) but all the firm voices, and correction, he was devastated and traumatized.  The group leader was demonstrating with him (because I couldn't bring myself to pull the correction chain too hard) and hurt him because he yelped.  And then the trainer yelled at him and Freddy growled.  He was SO traumatised. 


I was told good things about this training school so I persisted for 5 weeks, then realised the damage it was doing to my little pup so I stopped taking him and decided to try and train him with positive reinforcement and food rewards.


He can no longer be walked with a leash on a collar as he is so scared of things around his neck from the correction chain (I feel so bad), so he walks with a little harness and it's much better.  If you try and put a collar on his neck to walk him with a leash he becomes distressed and tries to have the leash in his mouth so it's not pulling at his neck!

Message 24 of 31
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My gorgeous kiwi pirate

Community Member

I am trying to remember your daughters name, Lucinda?



yes, i loved looking at her pics. i remember the gorgeous christening gown.

Message 25 of 31
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My gorgeous kiwi pirate

Community Member


Message 26 of 31
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My gorgeous kiwi pirate

Community Member

wow!  how time has flown....Gorgeous:-x

Message 27 of 31
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My gorgeous kiwi pirate

Community Member

Hi Dyno I have been waiting for you to come up for air 😉


A question, does the guy of yours do any local deliveries within OZ and would he take a wantabe sailor along ?


No its not a joke


LOL.....he doesn't own his own yacht, he looks for paid jobs and sails them for the owners ....  He trolls the boating forums looking for passage.  You should do the same!

He hasn't currently got a sailing job, he's heading for WA to look for work on supply boats for the mines...apparently there is HUGE money in that.  I don't expect him to be back for a long time, but yes he will be back eventually ...not that I will wait for him at all....but if I'm still single....who knows what the future holds?!


"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night."
Message 28 of 31
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My gorgeous kiwi pirate

Thanks Dyno, I know they aren't his boats from what you said about doing delivery work.


I do watch a cruising boat forum but most of the ads for crew are for the Mediterranean or South America and thats way out of my depth.


Does he know a forum thats more for Oz based, I was hoping to find something thats more eastern OZ for a week or two delivery runs.



Message 29 of 31
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My gorgeous kiwi pirate

Little L, gorgeous as ever!!

Message 30 of 31
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