on 27-08-2014 09:49 PM
Just to cut through some of the misconceptions surrounding the NBN.
NBN test results using http://speedtest.net tests carried out in real time one after the otherwith the same equipment
Additional test of copper network transferinr 6.7 Gb in inder 1 minute at a rate of 968 Mb/ps
Just to dispel some of the emotive comments made by commentors who have no knowledge or qualifications of the technicalities involved.
on 27-08-2014 09:50 PM
You couldn't stay away then huh?
on 27-08-2014 09:54 PM
Must be a ghost posting.
on 27-08-2014 10:34 PM
SMH Poll
Which party's NBN plan do you support?
Total votes: 10680.
Poll closed 27 Aug, 2014
These polls are not scientific and reflect the opinion only of visitors who have chosen to participate.
on 28-08-2014 08:03 AM
on 28-08-2014 08:36 AM
Hi Poddster,
I for one am glad you have decided to re participate on here. I know your leaving was voluntary even though an Innocent post asking where you were was taken down, we can only wonder about that one can't we?
I do not feel the need to re post your other post to bait and gloat and I do not feel the need for a nasty snipe, so as you can see, nothing much has changed on here.
As for the NBN figures you posted, thanks for your very welcome research, we are all the more knowledgeable with this and also monmans research he so painstakingly does and posts on here even if it dispels some of the more outrageous claims made.
I'll be expecting you to mix the drinks tomorrow night in celebration
on 28-08-2014 10:11 AM
I agree with Lightning 100% (for once lol)
I dont know you very well at all Poddster and I probably disagree with some of your views but I think posters like you enrich forums like this so it's good to see you back and posting again. And so you had some issues a little while back and felt the need to have a break from posting here, woopty doo. I'm sure if you are over it then others should be too 🙂
Back on topic..... I"m a bit of a dumba$$ so if you could explain the table a little further for me that would be great , mainly the Distance in Kilometres section ie Melb says 600 (so it's 600 kms from where? the exchange or?)
on 28-08-2014 10:48 AM
28-08-2014 01:23 PM - edited 28-08-2014 01:24 PM
Speaking of misconceptions surrounding the NBN.
Adjudication 1515: Jamie Benaud/The Daily Telegraph (December 2011)
The Press Council has considered a complaint that three separate articles in June and July 2011 about aspects of the National Broadband Network (NBN) were inaccurate. The complaint was that the first article understated the number of NBN customers taking up offers, the second misstated the costs of not taking up current NBN offers, and the third made misleading comparisons of the costs of connections.
The Council upheld all three complaints on the basis they were inaccurate and, in two instances also misleading and unfair, and that the errors were not corrected promptly when brought to the newspaper's attention
on 28-08-2014 06:26 PM
I am not going to wade through plethora of red herrings nor will I waste time on the verbal clap-trap that some seem to relish in, instead I will make several irrefutable statements that anyone who is interested can verify for themselves.
I will leave the swallowing of the abundant red herrings to the uninformed gullible masses who constantly regurgitate whatever is fed to them with relish, likewise with the verbal clap-trap that they believe and reiterate without question.
For those who are more curious and wish to be better informed, there is a very simple way to evaluate and verify the speed of their connection.
Just log on and test your throughput to any one of many test servers worldwide.
The averages on that site are compiled from billions of samples.
Downloading networx from http://www.softperfect.com/ will enable you to test the transfer speed of your local area network.
Here are is an example of the data transfer rate to on shore servers and off shore servers