Narrow escapes

Have you ever had a close shave involving a famous disaster? For instance, the famous airbus crash that departed South America for France and ended up in the sea, no survivors. One woman who was late for the flight was interviewed about her relief. Two days later she was killed in a car crash in Europe. (I know, it sounds like the plot for Final Destination but if your google the story. it actually is true).


Fortunately, a friend of mine was a little more lucky. She had been a passenger on a first leg of a flight from Frankfurt that had been carrying the bomb that went off over Lockerbie. It wasn't her plane that exploded, I think the bomb was transferred to another plane in London that took off for New York. This happened in the late 80's, investigators said the bomb was so unstable it could have gone off at any time. My friend is still alive and well.


My story is not so exciting. My family, myself, hubby and three kids were passing through Hoddle St ten minutes before the massacre took place. We were coming back from the inlaws (I think it was a Sunday night) and my hubby wanted to watch the last ten minutes of some tv show with his dad but I had a headache and demanded that we leave. He has never argued with me since.


Do you have a narrow escape story?

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Narrow escapes

I lived just on the other side of the park in Clifton Hill at the time, we heard lots of helicopters that night.


I also lived  the corner of Drummond & Queensbury St Carlton at the time of the Russell st bombing, the big three story terrace house shook when the bomb went off


Not really narrow escapes but..

Message 2 of 75
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Narrow escapes

The Russell St bombing, was that the car bomb outside the police station in the city? I was working a few blocks away at the time and heard the commotion, terrifying.

Message 3 of 75
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Narrow escapes

Yes that was the one

Message 4 of 75
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Narrow escapes

clair, I was also in Clifton Hill that night just  on the other side of the railway.

We were complaining about the Police choppers interfering with tv reception.

Little did we know.


Not such a close shave, but I'd rather not get closer thank you

Message 5 of 75
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Narrow escapes

That bombing disturbed me more than anything had before. It took me a long time to get over it and yet I and nobody I know was directly effected. I think it was the sound and vibration that got me. We had to leave our office building and got the rest of the day off work but I would have preferred to stay and give my mind something to think about. I was at a loss for weeks, I think because that young, female officer died. Nothing like it had happened in Melbourne before. I think that was when our city lost some of its innocence. We were all so naive.

Message 6 of 75
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Narrow escapes

Really? Yeah I'd have to google the name of the street, I forget now? Other side of the Clifton Hill park

Message 7 of 75
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Narrow escapes

Yeah it really shook the ground

Message 8 of 75
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Narrow escapes

When I was a young girl, a man tried to get me into his car, on my way home from school. Luckily I was on a busy street and when I walked by he followed in his car. Instinct tol,s me not to turn down the quite side road to my home but keep walking to the local library where I knew the woman who worked there and she called the police. The guy vanished though and was never caught. I often wonder what would have happened had I accepted the ride. I was only 6 but didn't like adults, particularly men, so would never have willingly gone, so different to my own daughter who would talk to anyone and never minded being held by strangers. I minded though and made sure she never went anywhere without an adult until she was 15.

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Narrow escapes

Years ago we were travelling to Europe.  Our plane was about an hour late leaving Sydney so we were an hour late landing in Singapore.


Our plane wasn't allowed to taxi to the terminus as the security men had shot a person attempting to hijack a plane about the time we were to have landed.  

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